John Miewald

Some day, Bhutan! Some day...

I am commenting only to draw more attention to this post. Well done.

It's awesome how encouraging they are. I guess polite people watch porn and everyone else goes to YouTube.

If I designed this, I would have the glass periodically crack just to freak people out.

"Bocce, motherfucker, do you speak it?"

How cool would it have been if Sony hired Sam Jackson to make a cameo at the end of Spider-Man 2 as an unnamed character? He is not *necessarily* Nick Fury. Just Sam Jackson advising Spider-Man to stay out of the way. (I know, probably a lawsuit, but it would have been a nice gesture.)


General comment... Wondercon / SD Comic Con attendees need a strategy for dealing with these religious protesters. The majority of us are tolerant and simply let them do their thing but they are not cool. I don't think they are going away any time soon.

I like that this Deadpool is able to let his guard down and allow other cosplayers to get the better of him. Nicely done.

Hm... What inexplicable reason could Blizzard possibly want you to go buy a bunch of collectible cards? Why? Why?! I guess we'll never know.

Who is your least favorite person at Kotaku and why?

Holy crap, these guys are awesome! I love them and their morbid senses of humor.

Finally, a way to prepare for my inevitable transformation into goat. (Yes, you may use this quote on your marketing materials.)

His cover to the Player's Handbook was D&D at its finest.

Yes, I would like to inquire about the Super Friendly Cat you advertised.

I love that most of the costumes are handmade. Very little store-bought stuff. Very creative and inspiring. I think that is perfect for a send-off from school to the "real world."

Actually, I think the voice and the ability to converse with an appliance is a really great idea. It's like something out of the Jetsons. Not so crazy about the picture on the cover. It should just look like a robot. With a cute voice, of course.

Maybe it would be more accurate to say you can't solely judge a game on its graphics but the graphics can tell you some things.

I love that there is a woman in London cosplaying as Captain America. I'm telling you, world peace will be achieved through comics.