
I’ve known JMS since 1987, and followed B5 all the way through development, since before the show had an official name; for some time, on GEnie, Joe called it That Which Can Not Be Named (Yet). As a result, I knew all of this, but it’s fun to read. Takes me back, One bit I remember, although it’s kind of dismissed

Like my roommate, Charlie Williams, just said, good writing is good writing, no matter the genre. Same for bad writing. Literary types who think they can saunter in and write the Great American Sci-fi/horror/fantasy novel without knowing how things work are arrogant morons.

This is nothing new, CJ. Literary snobbery has been around a long time, and mainstream writers are always trying to reinvent the wheel, usually badly. A girl I dated back in the Eighties thought Atwood was brilliant, but I found “Handmaid’s Tale” derivative of a raftload of dystopian sf novels that had been around

Charlie, you're wonderful. One thing contradicts both Superman and Wonder Woman's unlayability: each other. In Mark Waid's "Kingdom Come", Kal-El and Diana wind up together, and Batman notices right off. "Diana, for an immortal Amazon of perfect physique, you've put on a pound or two. And there are other indicators of