
I’m noticing that Jezebel is trying to make Trevor Noah the next person to “hate” and I’m not into it. Dude didn’t say there was equal rights in Hollywood. He acknowledged that women comedians are getting shit done right now. He addressed that in HIS interview. A space where he could have talked about anything else,

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Fairly informative, yet brief, video of the IAA. Shows all the transformy bits and... what the hell are they doing to open the doors?

Ugliest thing unveiled today. That is for sure. Mercedes for a while hasn’t released anything particularly good looking in my eyes.

The A7 was a response to the CLS “4 door coupe” shape.

I’m sorry, but that is one ugly looking thing. Especially when it gets..... erect? Yeah I’m going with erect.

That color scheme is an atrocity.


You pay a technology premium, sure. But, no one that has ever sat in or driven a Tesla thinks they’re junk. No one.

these are 100% the worst people in the jalopnik community. nobody gains anything from disparaging something that’s actually, and not ostensibly or arguably, great. it’s fucking stupid. tesla rules sorry.

Even if the concept never sees production, they need to use this styling on the Panamera. This thing is sex on wheels.

How 1995 of her.

Does this count?

Yo, dawg, I heard you liked dawgfighting so we put missiles on your missiles so you can missile while you missile.

Why would we assume that porn stars would be able to cross over at a higher rate than anyone else who ‘performs’ to some sort of crowd on the job, such as teachers or car salesmen? There isn’t that much overlap in the necessary talents, unless you think that capably making porn requires real top notch dramatic acting.

Some, like porn producer Magnus Sullivan, imagine that mainstream media could one day make the porn industry entirely unnecessary.

pretty sure you don’t get into porn to get into acting. they call it a foot in the door and not a tit or a dick in the door. if you want the job you give the handy to the director off camera, not on.

He’s saying the only difference between adult films and mainstream films/TV is that in adult films, they’re able to shoot erect penises, vaginas and penetration. Mainstream film/TV can show everything but those specific things.

Did you even use it? I was under the impression all Gawker media is banned from Apple’s events thanks to Gizmodo, or does that just apply to them?

To me, the issue isn’t so much that Apple is going to fail—It’s more that people need to stop thinking that this is going to be direct competition with tradition console/PC gaming. The majority of those people are never going to switch over to play half-assed games on their Apple TV. This is much more likely to be a