
That is only the tip of the iceberg. By defending Piers Morgan, Sharon Osbourne is also validating his baseless claim that Meghan Markle is lying about having suicidal thoughts. This is insanely hypocritical. Sharon has publicly talked about her own suicide attempts. The woman knows firsthand how important it is to

So as a voting Texan, I can tell you that no, we deserve no better than the Lincoln Lawyer.

I agree - but - Ask the same questions to Abbott and he’ll answer, “Those green power liberullles, if only we’d drill more, LOOK - illegal aliens stealing our power, it’s the Mexican virus.” Perhaps if we’d push his oil-soaked head under water.

You’re never getting back into the Jeep, Dionne.

For good measure, Duckworth quipped that she—a woman who lost both legs in combat—likely dances better than Tucker”

One of these two candidates is a man paid to lie about who he is for a living... the other is Matthew McConaughey.

Uh huh. Sorry girl, but you knew what you were doing when you started caping for the right and still went boldly ahead in doing it. Now that things are easy and you got your next grift lined up, you are throwing all the shit you said and did to the side because you know you are on the wrong side of history and of

Harry pulled an attention seeking stunt he didn't shave his head and start attending rallies. He admitted it was stupid and regrettable and has obviously moved on.

Look, people are allowed to fuck up. That was a huge fuck up. It’a what you do after the fuck up that matters. A lot of us have said or done really shitty things out of a place of ignorance, hate, misinformation, how we were raised, etc. and then learned and corrected the behaviour. He’s clearly done a lot of work,

I haven’t forgotten, although I do think he’s grown quite a bit since that time. I don’t see how it follows that Meghan can’t experience racism, though. 

Fuck paparazzi, for sure. But also fuck the tabloids that keep the profession alive.

This website seems to really enjoy putting Monica on a pedestal, even in pieces ostensibly about things other than Monica. It’s ridiculous. “[Wanda] is aggressive toward [Monica] as a S.W.O.R.D. agent, in a way that she wasn’t with her actual antagonist, Director Tyler Hayward[.]” First of all, the aggression towards

The Eternal Sunshine... imagine. In some ways he did us a favor. Now we know we’re surrounded by stupid, selfish assholes.

Natasha Lyonne and Charlie Barnett were both so good on s1. And yet now s2 is going to be stolen from them by the bewitching and hilarious Annie Murphy

I don’t like the whole “why don’t you try being a writer then” argument, but I keep seeing this criticism, and I don’t know what else people expect from their superhero stories. How else are you going to show people wielding magic against each other than with CGI blasts? It’s like complaining that westerns solve too

The whole thing is just really gross imo. I (like a lot of women, I’m sure) have been polite to a guy trying to chat me up only to have them get scary (raise their voice, call me a bitch, etc.) once they realized I really wasn’t into them. I can’t imagine that guy being Pierce Morgan and him taking his rage out on me

Now playing

See, this is how you use your one PG-13 swear:

Maybe this will provide Britain the push it needs to give up it’s racist constitutional monarchy and adopt a true racist democracy like us.