Tommy came out as bi during Secret Avengers.
Tommy came out as bi during Secret Avengers.
oh also, i 100% back outing hypocrites.
why not something positive
Bruhhh this is so embarrassing. Imagine being as rich and successful as this and still giving a shit about a throwaway line from a not very good netflix show. Just go take a bath in diamonds or something, Taylor.
I am so tired of America, for real.
Imagine killing someone and throwing your life away because of not wanting to wear a mask for a couple of hours. What a country we live in
Regardless of how good or bad this is going to be, one of the issues that they can’t get past is how utterly stupid it sounds to have your characters saying “motherbox” multiple times throughout the movie.
“What is grief, but love persevering?”
Loved this piece. I used to drive around listening to this album my senior year of high school and Full of Grace will always be associated with Buffy.
Whelp, they can be just as sorry in jail. Fine by me. Then let’s see them navigate the life of an ex-felon what with losing their right to vote, struggling to find a job, or a place to live.
No, I don’t. It’s not that a superhero (or any character) is lessened by a change in skin color. It’s insulting that people think that’s the only way to tell stories about other races and people of other backgrounds. PoC deserve better than “this old character, but Black now.”
I don’t understand why people think that the only way to get stories like this told with Black superheroes are to change established heroes to Black characters. Why not tell a Green Lantern John Stewart story, or a make a serious movie about Steel? It comes off like DC thinks the only way to get a Black superhero…
Maybe just interested in interesting things?
Any time, you big whiny baby.
While we’re on the subject of failures, why don’t you eat some avocado toast or something that Millennials supposedly do instead of buying houses and diamonds? Are you really mad that instead of fixing the world up the way you want it to be, we spent our youth getting fucked up and piercing ourselves in strange…
They’ve already failed. Blaming the previous generation for not fixing their problems is how you know.
Cool. I look forward to Millennials fixing America’s social ills since Gen-X failed. Then I look forward to articles like this, written by Gen-Z, complaining that Millennials did not fix America.
I know it’s not the main topic but I can’t see Cruz’s pisspoor attempt at “manly beard” and not instead see “middle-aged guy into anime with severe issues with women”.
Dominion has much deeper pockets and much better legal counsel than the fucktwat Lindell. Lindell claims a net worth of $300mil, which is really all market value estimate for his privately owned shit pillow company. Sales tank, manufacturing fails, supply line goes south and his estimated net worth is severely and…