
People in jail get soap, toothpaste, and a bed.

For any other Stephen King book, I’m right there with you. But the Dark Tower books mean a lot to a lot of people, me included. It’s tough to read King in interviews, not just praising, but often gushing over what an amazing job everyone did adapting another of his novels into a movie just to have it shit the bed

The only “bad” food is food that has *gone* bad (i.e. rotten or moldy food).

This comment should be higher.

counterpoint: don’t!! we left these in the 90s and they need to stay there.

It is 2019. The amount of non-dairy milk alternatives is staggering.

Of course US tipping culture sucks, but it’s what’s in place right now, and not participating in it isn’t an interesting intellectual exercise or protest, it just makes you look like a prick.

Morality and legality are two separate things. Are you really an adult in 2019 and don’t understand this? Apologies if you’re actually 14.

But we currently inhabit the world where servers and other folks are not paid a decent wage, so...tip.

I think I speak for all of us when I say

Uhhhhh setting aside the use of the word “idiot” here which is super-ablist :( :( I think a lot of the stuff in the first and second episode is meant to emphasize that Annie is bad at taking care of herself because she devalues herself, and not having great birth control practices is sort of part of that- but that

Don’t forget, Deadspin’s greatest two way threat.

People in the south have been working tirelessly to explain away the cognitive dissonance that comes with being hyper-patriotic and hyper-pro-the biggest group of murderous traitors in American history. It’s one of the most profoundly successful disinformation campaigns in human history.

The absolute lack of energy is the worst part of fasting for me. Maybe I’d be able to do it if I was tech-bro-rich and had like, a housekeeper and shit. I’ve planned and executed a couple of long fasts as a sort of desperate attempt to straighten out some of the things my CFS/ME completely fucked up. And they worked

My 1997 ode to Ms. Anderson’s performance:

Don’t romanticize this too much. There’s a big chance she can still hear Jared Kushner’s voice. 

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

My biggest beef with clothing manufacturers:

These are all measures actually conceived by Bannon, Sessions and Miller YEARS AGO before Dump. Go read the Department of Justification in the NYT. It was posted a few times since the 2016 election. BSM have worked tirelessly under the radar to stem “legal immigration”, as well as illegal immigration to slow down the