
I had an 80 Olds Omega (with a 4spd even) and a 68 442 a few years later. Even down a cylinder, poor brakes, the 442 was so much the better car. It did what it was meant to do, with gusto, and held up against its competitors. These things were jokes compared to their competitors.

Must be a Michigan thing. i used to drive a plow truck for a landscaper here in southern CT and we drove like maniacs in the snow to do as many driveways as we could as fast as we could. There was no worry of tickets because the cops didnt want to get out of their cars and get their feet wet in the snow (some people

While it’s not good, 240 billion of loans is a far cry from the 4.5 trillion the feds pumped into the housing market, with the requirement that 75% of it be loaned as sub-prime.

I’m sure it has nothing to do with federal subsidies he’s floating in either.

Why is she buying? A 2o mi/wk garage queen? Lease, for the same amount of money you’ll get a ton more car, it will be under warranty so who cares about reliability (Hello Alfa, Jaguar) and she can get the latest/greatest every 24 mo. She is the luxury lease poster child.

Am I really the first to post this?

More Sam Smith! Hope this does not mean we wont see you in R&T anymore. If we start a letter writing campaign, can we get you back in Roundel as well?!?!?!

If all of the movies get better, then excellent becomes the new average and the article complains about why we dont get more super-stupendous movies. That’s how stats work. Same thing as being graded on a curve, or rated via a “forced distribution” at work.

Can we get a side by side by side adding in Meatloaf’s “anything for love” video too?

Wait 6 months, re-title this “5 Reasons You Should Never Buy a Used Rental Car” and re-post.

I like to think that i am my cars favorite tool

Having owned both - the 80's have the more comfy back seat. For everything else you want late 60's early 70"s

My first car was a 1980. 4 speed, with the Iron Duke. The rest of my family agreed on it, i did not. What a piece of junk.

And yours smell fine, but if some other guy did it you’d be running to Bensonhurst

If you are in a hurricane, and a dolphin strikes the side of your house, don’t go out to check on the dolphin! That’s how the hurricane tricks you into going outside.

an amazing collection of one liners. And the “neighboorhood watch” bit is classic

Awesome. I watched Running Scared last week!

There is more than one way to become legendary!