Highly calculated words. Christie’s last hope to save his political career is a terror attack in New Jersey by some Phanatic.
Highly calculated words. Christie’s last hope to save his political career is a terror attack in New Jersey by some Phanatic.
Bill Simmons retired from basketball a few years ago, but Jacoby and House have been trying to get him back on the court. LA’s middle-aged white guy pickup basketball scene just hasn’t been the same without him.
Mysteriously—even despite Darnold’s stat line—Penn State coaches refused to say whether they thought the young quarterback looked good.
Age 12? Big deal. I plunked my 8 year old in the head just the other day. Sure she cried and cried, and my wife was fucking PISSED. But one thing’s for sure, she’ll never fucking crowd the plate on me again.
I’m glad Temple’s former head coach is heading to Baylor but sad that coach wasn’t John Chaney.
Given how they’ve handled this scandal I would’ve expected a different guy from Temple
Why is there a coin slot in Goatse’s gaping anus?
Probably the worst use of this meme I’ve ever seen in my life
You can’t spell special without ACL
“Hotmail.com? Is that new?”
This. How does a sign in a Home Depot bucket behind a fence, which doesn’t appear to have a gate, have any legal basis?
Same ground on which Miguel Tejada writhed in pain.
In defense of Eagles fans (Not the best start to a comment, believe me, I know) McNabb was kind of an aggravating moron. Not that he was stupid, he wasn’t. It’s just that he was always wrong. It wasn’t just the fans. It seems like his teammates at best, tolerated him. Christ, Rush said black guys couldn’t play, and…
Doesn’t count. Everyone who is an actual fan of the Olympics knows that Leonidas is the GOAT. He didn’t have all the fancy accommodations that Olympians have now, like shoes and anti-chaffing nipple tape. Do you know what they did back then if your chaffed nips got infected? They took’em.
With the Ak Bars hosting, I think the goalie should've known it was a trap.
For instance, in June, 2016, the levels of fecal coliforms in water samples from Copacabana and Ipanema Beaches were extremely low, with just 31 and 85 fecal coliforms per 100 milliliters, respectively.