
You sure you’re a Republican? “all the good President Obama did?” Like there was a lot of it?

I realized Goldwater was mentioned also. Which is also funny, since Goldwater was a libertarian Republican. Easy to throw around the race card, a lot harder to substantiate it.

That’s all media spin you lapped up like a thoughtless drone. Saying Trump lumped Mexicans as rapists, murderers & criminals is factually incorrect. He was talking about some illegal immigrants that bring crime with them, and they do. Some don’t. But it’s not like there’s not powerful cartels sending drug runners

Thinks Reagan was racist, totally loses credibility and doesn’t realize it.

you are stupid. Not all gun people are fearful. It must be great living in your fantasy land where nothing bad ever happens. I bet you don’t have insurance, either, because if you do you are just afraid.