Oh man I think there are a bunch of teams ahead of KC. Dodgers, I bet Cubs get there this year, Giants (west coast teams are hard to hate though).
Pick a better sport
i still don’t know
Deadspin definitely
I personally love everything going on today.
Too bad
Well, guess we now know who their Albert is.
since when do we cover extreme fetishes in so much detail on this website smh
I think for maximum 4/1 hilarity, kotaku has to run jalopnik, right? I mean, most of those nerds probably don’t even have licenses lolololololol NERDS
The prodigal juggalette returns.
While I don’t think the media created Trump, it does say a lot about the media’s lack of self-awareness that there’s been a hundred thinkpieces from the media saying Trump isn’t their fault. That’s reporters: collectively making an argument they’re not in a position to make in good-faith.
This piece shows a staggering amount of self-delusion regarding the political economy of the media.
I have no response to this.
It is exactly how he put it. Some people can’t read or even would ignore things just to make it fit into their viewpoint.
It sounds to me like the dead relatives in question were the subject of the conflict; he implies that the fight was over something the woman was saying about them.
Eight Men Pout
To be fair, Kenny knows better than anyone how a son can cost a team a championship.
“best controversy in the history of baseball”
Ugh...fuck everyone involved with this stupid nonsense. Kids should not spend every single day in a professional baseball clubhouse. How is that not a fucking given?