Wasn’t he flipping through and writing in the notebook in the scene at the beginning?
Wasn’t he flipping through and writing in the notebook in the scene at the beginning?
My question, which I have not seen addressed, even on Talking Dead: Who was the mysterious figure hiding in the car with Father Gabriel?
Yes, let the troll flow through you.
There will be a 2-hour version released in early May.
Comic books are narratives with art.
Those two are the only legitimate actors in all of DCTV.
Those two are the only legitimate actors in all of DCTV. And just the best. I could watch a buddy hero/villain show with just those two tearing through all of the power of friendship groups that run on inspirational speeches and false hopes of redemption.
So we talk about this but not the freaking awesome Legion of Doom episode on Legends of Tomorrow? Seriously. Watching Dhark and Merlin chew scenery and defeat not one but TWO evil speedsters was the best thing ever.
I’ll have to give Legends another shot. I gave up about 3/4 of the way through season 1.
Specifically it’s set prior to the reality split, so idk if you can even really say this is “prime” reality? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Third season TNG uniforms SORT of had collars.
God I hope so. (Not even joking; I love the TNG/Galaxy-class bridge design.)
I’ve seen nothing that says Michelle Yeoh left the show.
Ben Mackenzie’s reaction was fantastic.
Wasn’t there some standalone or Elsworlds comic where Bruce visited some city as a child and they witness the golden age Green Lantern doing something?
I have said it before and i’ll say it again:
Look if the prequels taught me anything, it’s that Anakin cannot act.
Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated. Also appreciate you bringing back quality content like this. Stuff like this is what keeps me coming back to io9.