J. M. Bantic

"If anyone needs a sense of stability and control, it's Community fans."
This is very, very true. We've gotten pretty sensitive.

I mention it, to friends who are older than me who like TV. I'm not inviting a conversation. I'm making a passing comment.

Or when people say "dude, that TV show is from the 90's…" Yeah. I'm from the 99's. When I told you I'm watching Twin Peaks, do you have to try to spoil it for me? It's irritating.

I just LOVE TV.

It's storytelling, ultimately, so the STORY is what people don't want spoiled. I think it's incredibly easy not to spoil Breaking Bad - I haven't spoiled it for anyone yet. I get quite annoyed with people like this - "well, I'VE seen it, why haven't THEY seen it? It's THEIR fault for me spoiling it!"
It just doesn't

Talking about his morality, buddy.

"Is the Doctor a good man?"

Glad to see that Doctor Who is still asking the SAME. FUCKING. QUESTION.

Well, this is wrong.