
I learned to use turn signals in a BMW.

I think we bought the 10 pack and had leftovers. I was 17. My appetite was like a bear preparing for winter.

Teenager, small midwestern town, late at night. We had neither taste nor options.

Holy shit you didn’t finish a Taco Bell bean burrito and then still wanted to eat it the next day?

I once re-warmed a burrito in the little valley between the cams of my 97 Plymouth Neon. It fit perfectly.

I drove my friends BMW and used the turn signals.

A ‘lightly smoldered’ Ferrari.

I thought that looked cool.

I guess as far as dictators go, it takes Juan to know Juan.

Please don’t make me associate this great car with that failed character.

what are you going to look at through those weird door windows?

Damn porgs get everywhere.

It also saw two sasquatches fucking.

Now this is surprised!

...Or just happy to be there:

And then there are those times you’re happily surprised:

why am i having these kinds of issues with a $140k+ car?

Customers from every brand ever be like...

Let’s face it, it’s not close to the dumbest thing Americans have done since last November 7th.

It’s like he has no idea what opposite lock is, or how to use it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that oppo was just from the steering forces induced by the slide, rather than by him knowing what to do. Way too little, way too late.

Related: I think I hate these people more than the driver of the car. These are the