
I live in a pretty quiet town with a large population of retired folks and there’s still a ton of activity. Just the other day went into a level 2 raid expecting to be the only one there as it was relatively in a empty side of town and had 3 people hop in in the two minutes between starting the raid and the start.

Its strange especially since the new companions seem to have Pokémon that weren’t even available on the Indigo League. Seems really strange

Sounds like you’re just unlucky. I paid $10 last night for 11 loot boxes played arcade for 3 more (2 for winning the new game modes, 1 for winning 3 games)and leveled up once, had 15 loot boxes plus the one free one and got the new DVA, Sym, and Pharah skins as well as Stunt Rider 76 and about 4 of the dancing emotes

Come to think of it all of the games would work great for visually impaired. I’m trying to think of one that wouldn’t and can’t do so. Most of the games tell you to maintain eye contact and rely on sound and/or rhythm. Good call sir

I’m the opposite. I don’t care if you cut me off in traffic, driving 200-300 miles a day makes it seem asinine to get mad at one of the 100s of people who can’t drive daily. But when I get home and want unwind for the 2 hours max I get with the baby asleep and wife busy, if I’m getting lag in a competitive Overwatch

Made some friends in my Socom 2 days I still keep in touch with to this day, but there was just as shitty of people back then it was just less people in general, and with Socom it was push to talk with only one person being allowed to talk at once which cut out most of this garbage

I played a few comp games last night and Orisa is slowly joining the usual suspects but I’m really not sure why other than she’s new. Every game I was in last night she got annihilated and aside from a couple inconvenient moments when she sucks you towards that orb she had no real effect on the game. I played Tracer,

Yup! When I spend three weeks building a base with 3 of my friends and don’t mess with anyone, then wake up to find everything leveled with a single chest and a note that says “saw you talking to (insert name), shouldn’t have done that” and a tribe log full of gigas tearing everything down was enough for me to say

If their last two consoles are the standard then yes, we are to believe that because they abandoned both of them instead of making them better and expected us to just buy the next one because it’ll fix the problems you have with this one! Wii doesn’t have HD? Get a Wii U!, what’s that? Gamepad is klunky and kinda

Communication is key. Niantic is horrendous at communicating with their customers and leaves a lot of people feeling frustrated

Last night of the event and I had only gotten the Reinhardt skin (which while awesome looking I never play Reinhardt) but as a Tracer main I badly wanted the Rose skin and the Dragon highlight entrance so I grinded out the 9 wins to get 3 loot boxes and leveled up during that time. Out of those 3 boxes I got two

I never really use a mic either since I usually also have tv on in the background so rarely even play with sound tbh. But the few times I have played competitive it’s been relatively pleasant with people coordinating a team and strategy (although I must just be lucky given most others opinions on how the PS4 community

This sounds like it’s going to make Bastion even more annoying to play against :(

I played about 7 games of this last night and every single one ended in a draw, most of them without a single cap. Between Symmetra just consistently spamming a kill gate and the small proximity of the maps making it so as soon as you start to pick it up you get ambushed. It’s basically impossible without having a

This guy just seems to be selfish if I’m being totally honest. Sure the community can be a bit pushy at times but in most of my experiences it’s because someone is not pulling their weight and refuses to change. I’ve gotten flak for my pick of Tracer or Road-hog but most people are reasonable enough when I say “I can

And it takes away from the ad revenue for the creator which is a dick thing to do. I can watch a 15 second video if it helps keep my favorite creators making their content.

Got incredibly lucky and got the new Super Mario edition new 3DS on Black Friday online at Walmart for $99, I think it was a error that it was listed as available still, took almost a month, and several calls and online chats with Walmart to assure me it was still coming (ordered it for my little brother and was

In the next issue we find out that Widowmaker is into some heavy BDSM, and D.Va really has a thing for temtacles

Swept 4 straight games (and by swept I mean not surrendering a single kill) with a team of Mercy, Reinhardt and Bastion. Mind you I didn’t want to play with this team because it was kinda cheesy, but after a game of Reinhardt and Bastion sitting in the spawn while I ran out and tried one man apocalypse’ing with

He doesn’t eat spaghetti, he eats lasagna! How dare you insinuate Garfield would eat spaghetti!