
Unless its a Tesla vehicle. Then you deserve to know exactly where it is at all times, why the delivery has been delayed, how long it has been delayed, who was responsible for it being delayed, where he lives, and how he fks his wife. Because Ford is brand new car company and should be held to a different standard

Haha...all the “car guys” saying Chris Harris can only drift cars and its guys must go to the track, like a lot. LOL. Yeah who wants to see that.

Journalist’s anti-Elon tweets are getting weird, man.

I wonder when my posts will actually get approved/posted?

Wow seems like no one actually read Musks’ response about the allegations that he “withheld” any information, including Mr. Westbrook. The accident was disclosed in the proper timeline that any serious accident of this nature would take. Someone died. It takes time to get to the facts. End of story.