
Daredevil (Justice vs. Faith, Justice vs. Vengeance), Jessica Jones (Survival/Survivor's Guilt), and Luke Cage (Community, Responsibility to that community) had a thematic throughline for each season. Iron Fist paid lip service to a theme (family/friendship vs. duty), it didn't actually pay it off well. The

<marvelsplaining> Ahem. Madame Gao was introduced in Daredevil Season 1. </marvelsplaining>

To be honest, I wish it was more straightforward as a training video. The side jokes are unnecessary, and ruin my immersion (j/k).

SO who's the middle guy in the "Arnold photo"? My theory is MiB

Plot twist: Ford was Arnold's creation.

Bernard has been "there 30 years" and he hasn't aged a day.

Sure, but they'll ass more if we act like it's normal.


I'm facing the same dillema

What's interesting is Killgrave is Bendis taking a silly C-list villain and making him scary on a street level.

It's the casually sexist "you should smile more" stuff taken to an extreme. So the same statements from everyday sexism, but said by a monster.

I would have mentioned it in its first few weeks. I was one of its defenders.

I rate Batman: Animated Series higher than Daredevil in terms of comic book tv adaptations, but man is Daredevil good. Though it has really high highs, and its lows are just mediocre.

I don't watch Flash and Arrow enough to rate it, but Flash is probably the most comicbook-like of all of them. Daredevil I have right above iZombie, and AoS is way on the bottom. Agent Carter I'd proabably put just above it to, come to think of it, it's definitely one of the better series so far.

Best Oculus Rift product placement ever.

This show is the biggest surprise for me this season. iZombie is like the second best comic book show right now. That final reveal was heartbreaking, because I really wanted Liv just to tell Major, just do it. And she did. She got to that point. And now…well… not.

Surprised that it wasn't brought up - the elevator being a reference to Captain America 2, directed by Paintball episode alumni, the Russo Bros.

This is the episode that truly brought both our new characters into the fold. By making Jeff desperately want to be cool.

Samaratin is rational to the extreme, viewing the world as binary systems - and every threat has an off switch.

modern warfare wa brilliant. I agree. I think in the same fashion this episode captures its characters well. one of the best for B99 definitely.