FreeBSD Guy

The Neon made 132HP when it’s competition couldn’t even make 100HP.... and that’s not including the dirt cheap 150HP DOHC option. Hell, the great Ford Focus only makes 160HP today (and is heavier) without shelling out well over 30k for an RS. Reliability was it’s only undoing (thanks to Bob Eaton from the bean counter

Bob Eaton cost cutting was the Neon’s undoing. Apparently he knows more than the engineers and decided that 2 bucks a car for correct spec head gaskets and exhaust donuts were simply too expensive. Somebody thought bringing Eaton from the GM company of low grade plastics into an executive position was a good idea...

I’m the kind of sick person who would collect one of these, but not for $12,000. $1000 tops.

Don’t forget a flat load floor with more cargo volume!

I would agree mostly, but not about handling and fuel economy varies widely. I enjoy driving my mother’s CX-9 much more but it sucks at just about everything else compared to my van. Some people are just too insecure to be seen in a minivan. “I don’t want a damn minivan!” = “I’m too in denial about my age to make a

I wanna do this to my grand Voyager one day!

Ever been inside a minivan? It’s way better at that than a crossover.

I really wish the minivan would make a comeback. At least those are actually good at what what they do. Crossovers try to do a little bit of everything and they suck at all of them. Soccer moms in denial need accept the fact that they’re parents and buy the damn van. Nobody says it has to be your only vehicle. Just

Call me crazy, but I still think these are the most attractive vans ever made. You can find ones in excellent condition for around a grand and makes for a handy spare vehicle. I keep a ‘99 Plymouth Voyager around as a vacation machine. I got it for $900 in good condition. I replaced the carpet with spray-in bed liner.

This! A minivan actually serves the crossover purpose so much better than an actual crossover. It’s much more space efficient without getting worse fuel economy. I’m over 6 feet tall and I can fit into the third row of a Dodge Grand Caravan. My mother’s Mazda CX-9? Forget about it.

This is GM trying to figure out what badge to slap on it next. Say hello to the all new revived Oldsmobile Bravada.

I would argue some vehicles are units. A Toyota Corolla or Honda Accord are units, much like your friendly neighborhood storm trooper. A Focus RS or BMW M3.... that’s a soul.

Yummmm. I love a good Geo Prism!

As someone with IT and programming experience, I can say that autonomous vehicles everywhere would become a menace to public safety. I won’t get too technical, but I’ll say it like this. Software is only as perfect as the human who writes it. Which is to say, it isn’t. No two scenarios on the road are exactly alike.

Just realized I replied to the wrong comment lol

I just got one out of college last year. I’m not a fan of well equipped cars, so I bought a new 2016 Focus S (5 speed manual) and talked them down to $14,800. 0% interest and $260 a month payments. I couldn’t be happier with the thing. A worthy successor to my 2005 Mazda 6.

The I beam and traction beam weren’t unique to the Ranger. The fullsizers also used them. My ‘90 Bronco (full-size) has the traction beams up front. I think the Econolines also had them.

Definitely more boring, but the Cavalier and Neon were much worse cars by any other measure. Both were unreliable deathtraps. At least the Escort/Tracer was relatively safe and reliable for a compact of the time.

An unreliable 16 year old pile of garbage (it’s a BMW, after all) that’s been modded for terrible performance and constantly rides bottomed out as a result? 235632366/10 would rate as crack pipe.

Though I don’t think my Focus is too big. I specifically bought it because it was the smallest I could possibly go in a car for my needs.... And I loved it so much more than the Corolla and Civic that I cross shopped it with.