
Gawker’s new owner wearing a Puma shirt:

I would be OK with that.

I rarely like to call someone’s opinion stupid. But this is a pretty stupid opinion. OKC is just clearly the superior team.

More of Gawker’s well-known bias against tech billionaires. Expect another round of lawsuits funded by Lacob.

The hottest of taeks!

I’m not so sure this team is as obviously talented as you say. Other than James Harden, the Rockets are filled with guys well past their primes and JAGs.

When I was in HS in the 90s if we wanted the Japanese titties we just went to the video store and rented anime. And lamented the censorship. And that was that. People are fucking ape these days.

Does anyone even care about this movie anymore (besides Cameron)?

You can take the player out of Penn State but you can never take the Penn State out of the player.