
I’m going to find an oven and put my head in it.

So I went with the Zelda bundle, which seems to be best bang for my buck. $30 for the notebook, $60 for the bag, and $13 for the cup. The NES classic sold for $60. So I made $2. Score!

So the new lifehack is really a lesson on recycling articles?

Because he is Dan the man.

You can turn off that input switching “feature” in settings, it’s the “Match Power State” option. It was driving me crazy.

Lived in PA my entire life, I back this post and comment 100%. 4 yr old car has needed something to pass each and every year. Government needs to take over this racket. At least registration stickers have died off.

Now playing

I have to say Funhaus did a play of Slaughtering Grounds. They agreed, it’s utter garbage. They could only play for 12 mins before quitting. Digital Homicide is trying, but failing at being a Developer.

Hi Martin,

Pretty sure he is actually a she...

How soon until Dan has a hook for a hand? He is the bravest SOB out there.