Manuel Andrade

Don’t lie, you made engine noises while you used it, didn’t you?

He likely saved taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars, and was arrested for his effort.

A friend of mine had the last laugh. He worked in a local dealership garage for nearly 20 years and was fully certified. Only thing about him that made him stand out was his braided ponytail (he was a biker). Everyone knew that whatever was wrong he was one to go to get their car fixed right. Over time he had his

Sorry, had to do it..

I’m not crying, I swear, I just got some brake dust in my eyes. She’s definitely a keeper.

Nanananananananana Nissan. Looks like a Batmobile in bare carbon fiber.

I spent a lazy sunday afternoon at a bar, and ended up chatting with the guy sitting beside me for a while. It was rather nice! Just good convo and no awkward flirting.

Beastie boys in Chicago during hello nasty. Had nothing to do with the band. Yes I was a huge fan. I went by myself while I was attending indiana university. I went and got a beer when I wanted one. I hoped seats when a better one was available. I went to the bathroom as needed. I found my jeep and drank more beer

Colin is my childhood god! He was the most entertaining and characterful racing driver of the previous two decades, and that was at the time when WRC drivers were larger than life figures. I could go on and on about him, but instead, I’m just gonna leave this photo here:

Driving in Italy is actually simple. Don’t stop and stay out of our way.

Now playing

I reckon there should be another Villeneuve on the list.
Gilles, that is.
In two words: Dijon 1979. Battle for second with Arnoux.

I feel like we hear a lot about teaching kids to be safe on the internet, but not really teach them how to behave on the internet. PSA: You don't say sexually charged things (even if you think you're doing so jokingly) to folks you just don't know, man. Just don't. It makes you the virtual-equivalent of that

Brave of you, throwing that stone from the porch of your no-proofreading, riddled-with-typos Jalopnik glass house.

I know I probably won't get out o the grey, but this is one article where I have plenty of stories to tell.

When I was 13, my parents were on their way home from Vegas and wouldn't be back until after 4:00 AM. My brother, who was 17, knew he would be in trouble when they got home, because he had crashed my mom's car when they were gone. He decided to go out on his last night of freedom, and I stayed home. A couple of his

That's the door handle, the strap is instead of the opening mechanism handle.

75 G in Canada and everything's fine.
