
I hope your idea is right. When I saw everyone walking slowly in the same direction and June joined them, I half-expected them to gather around another lynching. Her host had said the intended safe house was compromised, so the Gilead agents didn’t need to get the airfield information from him - and he would know of

A small note that I appreciated: Negan’s wives were still wearing his preferred little black cocktail dresses, even though they weren’t at the Sanctuary. But after the battle, they immediately changed into more comfortable and practical garb for an apocalypse. That echoes Rick’s speech about the toxic level of control

Eugene would know that the appearance of productivity is what matters. Oskar Schindler, bless his soul, also made a big show of providing needed armaments while producing harmless products, to keep himself respected and his workers safe.

I would like to thank the casting director for casting Janet McTeer. That was a difficult role to fill in a believable way, but McTeer is tops (a Tony for Best Actress for “A Doll’s House” back in 1997 - imagine a 6 ft. tall Nora selling that role convincingly). When Jessica managed to talk Alisa down from killing

I am glad that the inhaler wasn’t a magic inhaler that never ran out.

When Negan was going on and on about saving people and claiming that Rick does not, I figured that, any moment, Rick would say, “Like you saved the Trash People?” Simon was right there when Negan took the call, if I recall correctly. That could have been interesting.

The Carl reveal worked for me. It was bittersweet because I think he was bitten when he chose to off some walkers to show that he supported Siddiq’s goals. That fits because, from his point of view, Negan no longer had any power over him. He’d been a dead man walking since then, so his “Kill me” rang true. He still

Yeah, but Negan was wearing leather.

I think the look of shock is because the Sanctuary has been abandoned.

I think it was that the Sanctuary wasn’t supposed to be breached, just surrounded. The pressure from the workers on the lieutenants would cause them to be willing to give up Negan and the battle would be over, with no further loss of life. Dwight told Eugene as much; that he was working with Rick and his team to

I’m not buying Daryl’s “Maybe we can kill ‘im together,” re Dwight. He’s had the chance to kill Dwight before and he understood the impulses that drove Dwight to behave as he had. I fully expect something horrendously stupid to go down with the D-Team at the Saviors’ compound, but I don’t buy the bond between Tara and

My first thought was a bite, but then I remembered that there was some dialog between them about how toxic the guts had to be. It’s a bit on the nose but I think that dialog was added to explain that Gabriel got sick from covering himself in rotting offal. That would also explain why, apart from the “yuck” factor,

Kudos to Seth Gilliam. That was a deliciously self-surprised, almost gloating “To hear your confession” before the credits rolled, and after that point you could never quite tell if he was using his religious teachings sincerely or as strategy. Take Carol — she wasn’t faking domesticity, she truly knew and preferred

Everyone seems to have gotten the word that Negan wants the King, the Widow, and Rick alive. That has the effect of turning them into legends and giving them power - certainly not what Negan intended. It protects them more than endangers them. If young Dahmer hadn’t known that, he’d simply have killed Ezekiel.

I gather you were wrote in jest but I do recall Cal. Gregory pulled out a map, summoned Cal, and told him to pack a bag because they were going on a road trip. I remembered thinking that it was trite, racist and actually in character for Gregory to have an Asian house boy / driver.

Also of note was the fact that

Lennie James has been required to go through more jarring character shifts than Alyson Hannigan was in ‘Buffy’ (and those were at least believable as written). To be fair, I find Carol’s character development on a par with Willow’s, but Morgan is whatever he needs to be at the moment - and that has to be hard to a

The credit montages make me nostalgic. I understand and appreciate the concept of civilization-building (I’m in camp Ezekiel despite his corniness), but the montages remind me that the show used to be about small terrors and isolation; the fear of a doorknob turning, the fear of a loved one turning, the fear that you

The second sentence is good enough for me.

To be fair, that licorice would be pretty stale by now.

Rick hasn’t been the first to think of using walkers as weapons; Negan did exactly that in an earlier “you need our protection” warning against The Hilltop. Still, I appreciate that the battle has been drawn in terms of marshaling hearts and making the best of the resources you have. On both accounts, I hope that