I don’t like what this woman has to say about Warren, and she is a bitch.
I don’t like what this woman has to say about Warren, and she is a bitch.
They got theirs already. What’s the surprise here?
I think what gives the game away is that these Senators are afraid to go on the record. If there’s nothing wrong with supporting Biden why not say it proudly? Is it because progressive ideas are popular and more status quo is not?
90% is too generous. I just cannot believe the dreck that brings in more money than they cost.
If he wants that coveted position with the Steelers he better get a’rapin’!
Yes, but it’s called “boofing” now.
My only worry, which no review I’ve read has touched on, is the humor. BL1 was funny! I loved Claptrap! BL2 was less funny. That’s too much Claptrap. BL1.5 was horrible. Claptrap is a character.
I’m with you. My one interaction with the police was having them kneel on my head to handcuff me after a suicide attempt, then parade me laughing out to the five or so cop cars there to take me away to “get help.”
Somehow I don’t buy that morale is down because of the evil they’re doing. You don’t wind up with an enormous, racist hate group on Facebook when your department is filled with good people.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Ha ha ha! I saw the headline and scrolled down hoping to see maybe some serious cosplay where the white people went too far and darkened their skin!
Wait. Warren, who almost single-handedly created the CFPB, who has a detailed plan to attack just about every plan the country is facing, has nothing to recommend her other than being white?
Castro asked Biden if he had forgotten what he said two minutes ago because he had just contradicted himself. Everyone else drew the conclusion that he forgot because he’s old. Because it’s god-damned obvious when a dude goes on a rant about record players in 2019 that his old ass is probably forgetting things.
I am absolutely jealous he’s done it. Even once. I can only imagine the glory of that moment. And I do - in my happiest dreams.
I have dreams where the entire dream-like aspect of the dream is that I am capable of dunking a basketball. These are some of my most cherished dreams. In short: I envy the hell out of you.
... by saying that social workers should be sent into
blackpoor parents’ homes to teach them how to put the record player on at night so their kids will hear as many words as white kids.
I have a hard time judging Hillary Clinton for hanging onto this after a racist, sexist American electorate used this issue as a flimsy excuse to vote in one of their own kind.
In 1979 I got choked by Darth Vader at an autograph appearance. Literally choked, as in squeezed my throat with his fingers until I could not breath. To this day it is my second favorite story of my life (the first being the story about my brother losing a game of pool in a skeezy strip club to a little person but…
Once I was kidding that NOAAgate was going to finally be the scandal to bring down Trump. Now I’m not sure if I’m kidding.