
Maybe not yelled at but for gods sake have some dignity.

They don’t care if you notice they’re there hypocrisy!

I think the Fox analysis has this slightly wrong. This is less analogous to the Nazis trying to figure out who was Jewish and more literally like anyone else trying to find out who is a Nazi.

Absolute unit.

Hey, I remember Dave Parker! I saw him play at Memorial Stadium and I remember him for both warming up in the on deck circle by swinging a god damned sledgehammer and for hitting a line drive home run that seemed to never go higher than 15' and then denting a right field bleacher seat.

This is what’s finally gonna do it - this is what brings down the Trump regime: impeachment for falsifying a National Weather Service forecast.

And verily did Jesus say: turn the other cheek and use your other eye if you’re having trouble aiming down sights.

that all NFL fanbases are racist”

Hold the L again, Trumpers.  I guess all that winning didn’t apply to lawsuits.

Not to be all whatabout, but... whatabout who gives a shit?

Yeah, just kind of pointing out how horrible this excuse is.

Instead of getting rid of the black housekeeper couldn’t they have, and I’m just spitballing here, prioritized a human over a f*cking poorly trained dog and got rid of the dog?


Therein lies the rub: even forcing teams to have two healers doesn’t mean your tank is going to be healed. I played a bunch of games as healer and loved it. I followed my tanks around and kept them up, healed the DPS when I could. Then I played as tank and kept wondering where the hell my healers were as they seemed

I love the idea that because I main healers my wait time will be 2 seconds while DPS mains will be waiting 37 days to find a game. And at least now I’ll only get paired with Widowmaker and Hanzo, not Widow, Hanzo, Genji, Ashe and Doomfist, all demanding my Lucio heal them 7000 meters apart on the map.

Criminally understarred comment.

I’m still waiting for the additional offhand note that one of the new guards assigned was previously “convicted” of “first degree murder” as a “hitman” for the “mob.”

“Respect Our Troops” is really short for “Respect Our Troops (Because They Shoot Brown People For Us).”

It’s also a privilege most of us earned by falling out of a vagina within the correct borders.  We can’t just let anyone qualify for that.

The human version of this parasite worm is called “Fox News.”