
I thought it was “Kiddy” cocktails...like cocktails for kids? Anyone else?

Haha, i didn't even consider the possibility that someone didn't get that reference. Now i feel old

This was great, thanks. What got me with breastfeeding was that there was almost no freedom for almost a full year. Sure, i could spend a few hours away from my baby or even go out ( once i went away for an overnight for a casual softball tournament)! But inevitably, the fun ends early as my breasts became so sore

Did the cops really call it a "pew pew"? Yikes. Children need reinforcement, especially this child, apparently, that guns are not toys. 

I’m american, but i just moved back to the states after almost 9 years in Europe. My kids were born there and are now in elementary school here. This is our first Christmas since we moved back and I’m blown away by the emphasis on the holiday in their school. Its like no one cares a bit that not everyone celebrates

?? How do you know this??? 

I just dealt with this- my landlord issued me a check with 150.00 of my deposit missing, with no explanation for why. This was a red flag for me so after investigating the laws in my state, I learned that she was required to return the deposit with itemized list within 30 days of move- out. She failed to do both of

I’m a millennial and just moved back to the US after 8 years abroad. I choose not to dine out often because sadly, I’m so often disappointed. So many restaurants seem to fill taste gaps with excess cheese and bacon. Those things are fine and good but downright excessive at many places. It just hasn’t been worth the

I was referring to your clever quip about modeling incontinence products. 

Yeah the guy sucks but too bad the fact that he is an asss home seems to make people feel comfortable also attacking disability??

I love this, thank you. I will be using some of these ideas for myself as I’m moving back to the US from abroad and rebuilding my kitchen. but why is it called a salt pig?? I don’t need one- i built this supercute ceramic beehive with a matching spoon where i keep my salt. I hope it doesn’t break in transit. anyway

I love getting jams, preserves, relishes, chutneys, etc. I always try them and 98% of the time we use them up. When i get cookies, cakes, etc, i freeze them immediately if i can, but those kinds of things I’m generally sick of by some point in the holiday season. I think gifts that are somewhat shelf stable are best

It sucks that many costumes and other things that are “nude” are only for white people

I love a good hot, strong black cup in the morning- can this be served hot? And do you know anything about the potential to make it at home, like from a concentrate or powder or something? I would have reservations about switching over if i always had to purchase it in cans or bottles- otherwise, if its good and hits

I recently booked an apartment hotel in porto, portugal after a brief perusal of airbnb. I just decided i didn’t want to support the housing grab, fuss about meeting the host/getting keys, worry about upsetting neighbors, or clean the place before leaving. I paid less to stay in the apartment hotel after all. I will

Dear Gwen,

Yeah, I'm sure the thoughtful nazis gave a fuck why someone was disabled. 

Using the "good china" is a great solution. This is what i plan to do ! 

There is just to much of....everything. too many choices. I have been living overseas for 8 years now and this summer, coming back after a 2 year hiatus (thanks, covid), I’m big time culture shocked. Not just the abundant choices, but i feel like there is a lot of artificial sweeteners in things that are not clearly

I’m honestly really nervous about this and think about it a lot as i get ready to take my family from Europe where we live, to the US for a visit. Its going to be more than 10 hours in the air, 2 kids 5 and under, one of whom is in a wheelchair... They're both so good on airplanes, but unruly or violent passengers