
YAY!! One less thing to feel ragy about today!

@Our Lady of the Massacre: she openly admits she hates photo shoots an such because she feels akward. I think she probably is uncomfortable in her own skin.

While I will say that some people made poor choices for their shape, I wouldn't call any of those women fat.

Apologizing ahead of time for a long post.

I am happy for Kieth and Nicole. They seem to be a great couple and I am sure the new baby and her siblings will be raised in a home with lots of love.

@some obscure reference: it's probably going to be on ABC Family and be horrible anyways. I am not getting my hopes up about this one.

@choufleur: that and Even Stevens. I loved that show until Beans-that kid ruined everything

I can understand taking the child away but not the charges against the mother. Failure to protect laws do not help people. They further victimize those who have experienced DV. It is NOT easy to leave an abuser. For those of you who think it is, perhaps you should do some more research or talk to a survivor before you

I didn't get to watch last night so thanks for the posts Jez. I do have to give props to Katey Segal she is amazing in her role on Sons and if it wasn't for her, I probably would've given up on the show after season 2. She is truely awesome and deserves all the props for this role.

Despite her best efforts, the people could not be saved and so, the goddess climbed to the top of the highest peak where she could watch over them until the time comes when they will see the error in their ways. Only then will the goddess emerge and retake her throne.

@acutelyaware: Rape is never funny please refrain from using it in future "jokes" or comments. thank you

@mochajavalatte: I love Bostons. My icon is actually a pic of my 12.5lb Boston Maggie Mae.

@Ri_L is Team Squidward: of course there is another whole set of issues that comes with adoption but it is a better option for some people.

@WorldsMeanestMom: or you just want to tell them, sorry your kid really can't sing. I wouldn't get my hopes up for a record contract any time....EVER!!

@wonderwoahman: I say that all the time when someone asks me when hubz & I are going to have kids. "I want to be the cool aunt who takes them plays with them and gives them back when they poop or cry"

@Seriously87: I totally agree with you here. Let this woman live her life the way she wants. Why does she have to justify herself to us? It's not like she committed some kind of crime.

@margarine-for-error: I know that but I would want some tradition in an untraditional proposal. My husband asked me in an off beat way but he still was there with the ring and we got to share that tradition. It didn't matter so much with the ring he just knew I wanted some tradition.

@Poodle_Heart: so pretty much don't date or you'll get raped?! Bad logic. Way to victim blame