@Ms B. Having: no I didn't but I totally get it and thanks for posting a Chuck pic on the thread
@Ms B. Having: no I didn't but I totally get it and thanks for posting a Chuck pic on the thread
But my boy already has lace on his shirts...
@auburngal: ok thanks for clearing that up
@RayBradbury's_ElephantMonastery: I only saw cows at mine
@auburngal: were you able to vote independantly for Gov and Leut. Gov? I wasn't and I got really pissed. The Leuit. gov candidates weren't even on my ballot. Is that part of the laws in MI? Do you know?
@openingoxirane: Honestly I feel like Michigan has more important things to work on with this new set of elected officials. My worry with the convention and the propsed constitution rewrite is that it will take up so much time and money that it will be another 4 years before anyone can focus on jobs and our economy. I…
@RayBradbury's_ElephantMonastery: I've seen a few of those stickers today
@auburngal: Good luck with that. I am from MI and I waited an hour and a half this morning. I got there when the polls opened.
@Orangulent: I voted at a farm in a park this morning
Maybe it's just me but I have a bunch of friends who are into Steam Punk so, I see tiny hats all the time. Plus, this is old news, Forever 21 had a ton of different styles out last year. My friends and I stocked up for furture costumes.
I think this is great as long as he puts his words into actions. He has however taken the first step and that's what we want right? It's not like that song has this big hash 10 years later so he's apologizing just to calm things down.
@ndngrl: probably. There are a few songs I'd have to turn mine in for also.
tomorrow is my 25th birthday and some friends and I were reflecting on where we were/what we liked 10 years ago. I probably would've liked this band (gag).
@ifallelsefailsjig: I know, she told me last night while I was in the middle of my horror film fest. My dreams last night were a little weird.
@Asra Appi: ahh my social anxiety is why I didn't go. I'm glad you had an easy time!
This is so awesome. Some friends of mine went down to DC for the rally and I am waiting for their report. I totally should have went but I get panic attacks in large crowds. I stayed safe at home and watched some of it on TV.
@ifallelsefailsjig: That's what mom says is the case here but when I brought it up this weekend she added a little tidbit she neglected to tell me as a child. She mentioned her blankets being torn off in the middle of the night. I'm glad she waited until now to add that part in.
My Mom grew up in Dearborn MI and the neighborhood where she grew up had a lot of older/historic homes. One of her friends lived in one of the older homes and Mom was staying the night. I don't remember at this point how old she was but, when it was time to go to bed, she remembers her friend looking scared and…
@Asmo: I'm saying that it shouldn't be ok for some people to hate on things and others not to it works both ways. Putting in bold letters that the Bible is wrong and calling me irrational for not agreeing is bashing.
@Michael Bauser: @mouseyChuu I know the Bible condemns gay marriage and sex and homosexuality in general but it also condemns a lot of other things too that people do everyday. I am not saying that gay sex or marriage is wrong but don't go bashing my beliefs either.