They should be called what they are:
They should be called what they are:
So you can’t wake up one morning and decide that you’re black.
Well, the president is supposed to be the representative of the people and the new one certainly represents you well. Don’t like someone or agree with them? Call them immature names. You have the trump way down perfectly already. Welcome to Trumpistan!
No, I picked it up from Nathan Grayson in this article. That’s why I used these guys ‘ ‘. I have to wonder how much time you spent in junior high developing your reading comprehension.
Making fun of gamers is a very outdated thing, but that segment is making fun of games which is always going to happen. Gamers seem to have a disconnect when it comes to how non gamers see games. We as gamers constantly lower our standards when it comes to many aspects of a game because we love something about the…
Seems like a win-win: big games get free publicity and the Conan team can keep up the farce that beautiful, famous people don’t “get” video games.
‘godawful bullshit pit’
Interesting, thanks for the reply!
So you carry a shield around with you (or are planning to carry a 6.1 inch Nintendo tablet) in addition to your phone? Where do you use it outside of your home,if I can ask? I understand kids getting a use out of it cause they have so much free time to fill up, but I always read stuff like ‘I play it on the bus or…
I’m not going to say this console is good or bad or that the games that will be released are good or bad. What I will say is that if you are using it like the ads for it suggest Nintendo want/expect you to use it (much like the vita remote play) you are addicted to games. And I mean you have a real and serious problem…
Before you click (or tap) on this gif, BE WARNED!! No one falls off!!!
That’s exactly why it would be stupid and dangerous to design it any other way. Sure you feel real noble when you’re thinking of sacrificing yourself for some hypothetical orphans, but it would be another story while your car drives you over a cliff to avoid a cardboard box in the road. That it thought was an orphan.…
The movie is not abridged and to call it that shows how little you understand about film and storytelling in general. What you are suggesting is like saying that a sentence that has been translated into spanish is abridged because it uses less words than the original english sentence. Film and manga as well as books…
Akira the anime is better than the manga. The anime is a film and can be compared to other films (anime or live action). The manga is a manga and can be compared to other manga. The real comparison you can make between the anime and manga is the level of quality achieved by both relative to other products in the…
And now the Fahey Forecast:
Why dont you write about how/why the game is actually fun instead of 10 min a day of mundane busy work motivated by a vitual carrot dangled in front of your face. or you could just change the title to “i played star wars candy crush for 3 months” and then leave the rest of the page blank. Playing a “game” like this is…
I think ren is exactly what hayden christionson anikan should have been. Its hard to believe thst his version of anikan was ever going to get older and become what we saw darth vader being. Rens character was much more powerful of a presence with the mask on but maybe thats the point. hate and anger, the foundation of…
Thanks for continuing to get the word out about this series!
Okay, so basically they're NOT releasing a real sequal. That's a real bummer after feeling 2, while the same in many respects, completely lost the charm of the first game.
Why don’t you post the erratic and questionable numbers (or at least one example of them) that he is using to make his assumptions. I’m sure you have viewed those numbers pretty closely since you are claiming they are questionable and would have no problem copy and pasting them in a reply to my comment. Also, you…