Fuck Trump and his MAGAssholes. May they find connecting rods poking through their stupid blocks.
Fuck Trump and his MAGAssholes. May they find connecting rods poking through their stupid blocks.
It’s even worse (and how can it get worse) that it’s a Lamborghini Anus. Reminds me of the time my wife and I were watching Somebody Feed Phil and he’s in Italy with some big shot Italian chef and the chef’s wife says “ohh be careful with an Italian in a very fast Italian car” and they cut scene and they’re driving in…
Because if you miss a day of work, you probably don’t have a job anymore.
You know, the crazy thing about the PPP is that these idiots spent the money before getting full forgiveness. Fraudulently document your PPP expenses, get 100% forgiveness from the bank and then you just risk the .01% chance that you would get audited.
If only all of our lives could be as uninteresting as yours.
The picture of the car burning to the ground is a pretty good metaphor for the current pace of life in America.
So I guess Type R has now fully transitioned from “lightweight and strengthened for track use” to “cram as much bullshit in there as possible”.
Daniel Stern is THE man. He fabbed up a full main and high beam harness for my 89 Land Cruiser with majorly upgraded Hella lenses and upgraded Halogens. Before and after performance was staggering—before it was like driving down the road with 2 candles and after even on low beams I could see forever.
As a Stuttgarter, I still vastly prefer them to the sea of 911s everywhere.
Dave Ramsey is a stinking pile of shit and his show is for entertainment value only. He peddles basic financial advice like “spend less than you make” and has very limited understanding of financial planning. Ramsey works the church crowd because some churches get a kickback on fees. He is a quasi-televangelist. I’d…
first time I am first to comment here...but fuck really, on this article?
They still hadn’t yet gotten over the shock of someone approving them for credit.
To be fair to dodge how many problems can their 2 cars have after 13+ years in production? I figure those should be worked out by now
I was upset my $23,000 Civic had manual seats back in 2017... Manual seats, only 4 speakers, and other de-contenting make this DOA in my mind. Maybe some tuners will look to it, but if you can afford a $43,000 sports car, you can probably afford a $51,000 sports car that offers a lot more bang for your dollar.
“That’s it. No more manuals in our cars. It’s not worth the headache.” - Ford, in the near future
It’d be pretty funny if the guy was trying to commit insurance fraud.
You can pretty much stuff that much coke in the new BMWs 4 series nostrils.