Jumped to the list the ensure my Ferrari 488 GTB wasn’t on the list. Good news, it isn’t! Checked my garage to see if I actually own aFerrari 488... bad news, I don’t!
Jumped to the list the ensure my Ferrari 488 GTB wasn’t on the list. Good news, it isn’t! Checked my garage to see if I actually own aFerrari 488... bad news, I don’t!
He already daily drives a 335, his kids are out of the house, and he has $120k for a weekend car; investment advice is the last thing he wants from a comments section.
Sir this is a Wendy’s.
(picks up pitchfork)
I disagree. The C8 looks very much like a corvette to your average passerby
There are so very many red flags this looks like a parade in China.
You have just watched a human die, for your entertainment. Free bread for everyone!
Nah it's just two (after dealer markup).
Like 60% of drivers these days?
Perfect visibility, straight line, already almost out of its lane and no attempt at avoidance? This driver needs a drug test, BAC test and logbook check... Either high, drunk or asleep!
You don’t. This is a minivan and pictures of a shockingly clean mountaineer with an insanely clean rope will not change that. The wheelbase was already way way way too long for serious offroading. You can’t fight physics.
lol, beat me to it. Youre absolutely correct.
And I’m sure many of the owners will post pics on social media of their gas bill at the pump stating “This is bullshit...”
Did not want to be a smart ass with first comment. But I second your motion. Perhaps buy a family Truckster with leash attached to rear bumper? /S
Really? I don’t think it made any promises it couldn’t keep or live up to. It wasn’t made to beat the Z, G, RX8, and S2000. It was made as a less expensive RWD option with average performance compared to its competition. Like if it made promises like it’s faster than a Z in the 1/4 mile and could out-handle the S2000…
It’s kinda funny that pickups are now often closer to luxury vehicles than utility vehicles, they were onto something but they went in the wrong direction with a few features.
I helped build an Escalade for a customer that made over 600 to the tire.
It’s unsettling having something that big, move that quickly.
If you’re paying $150k for this, even a few grand in fees isn’t going to make you blink. Financial barriers only for poor people. Just like crimes that only come with a fine, it’s…