Now playing

If this wasn’t holding then holding doesn’t exist. He grabbed him around the neck and forced him to the ground just a couple of feet from a sure sack...

I’m all for building a pipeline for marathoning talent, but it’s going to be difficult for Hermens to avoid clogs.

This is why NFL ratings are in the trash. Because shit officiating is literally changing the outcome of games, so what’s the point of watching if you know bad calls will screw your team over and the best you can hope for is an “ooops we screwed up,” the next day?

Sitting in work actually muttering to myself, “Go, motherf*cker. GO!”

Synchrony Bank (the supplier of the Amazon Store Card) caused me a massive amount of trouble (endless phantom charges, incompetent customer support, and more) for the six months or so I was foolish enough to use that card. I’m not a huge fan of Chase, but they’ve actually gone out of their way to help me occasionally


“I’ll have a cheeseburger, Frenchfries, and the ice cream sundae... Oh, and a vanilla milkshake.”

What did they expect when they hired a kid named McLovin

(crowd lustily boos lack of effort)

How To Party Without Drinking

About two years ago, I quit drinking. Initially, I didn’t attempt to “mask” my teetotalism at social gatherings: I’d

How about revising the scoring for the races:

This is this like the Marlboro Man telling Don Draper to quit smoking.