
Not only do Teslas fans find it necessary to unnecessarily defend the front-man of the company, it turns out they also find it necessary to tell other people that their complaints are unwarranted and they should've thought of all these things before they bought the car, or somehow retroactively already known about them

So far, so good. No particular dilemmas, just the couple of recalls. Every one of their total of four Teslas was a disaster, there was nowhere to go but up. They were literally on a first name basis with all the Tesla service truck and counter people. They’ve had the first Mach E for nearly a year, having traded in an

If high-voltage components can be damaged so easily, that seems like a pretty big safety issue. 

A big problem with these cars is that you can’t get anything for them from the aftermarket, and scheduling service is abysmal. It’s truly the worst of both worlds: you can’t get new parts to DIY anything, but you also can’t get into a service center for weeks, either.

Yeah - they really exist. They come out of the woodwork whenever anyone faults Tesla for their very real issues. If you can’t see that, then you need to open your eyes. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

I feel like my Bolt has just the right amount of hard controls. Do wish for a fire suppressor button though :)

The only Tesla I have been in is a friend’s Model 3. And he shows me how you have to open the glove box.

I had a car once with seats that felt great for up to four hours, but anything after that was just about crippling. It’s not something I would have figured out on the test drive.

Here come the strangely defensive nerds. Popcorn at the ready.

Some stuff doesn’t bug you much right up front. I think most everyone has been there at one time or another, you think “It’s not that bad, I’ll get used to it” but over time the annoyance becomes hatred.

What was he doing in a box canyon like area at 8100’ msl with a 6seater full of people in hot weather….?

Very happy they all survived. That said, I think this pilot put these people in an unnecessarily risky situation.

Its Mary BARRA


3rd Gear: The USPS doesn’t receive federal funding. While EVs should be a great use case for delivering mail I don’t think the USPS has to listen to Biden on this one.

The funniest concept is that the West would ever invade a country like Russia. For the same reason no one wants to invade North Korea - its population is so crippled and damaged that the attempt would be a severe strain on anyone trying to repair it. Look at how tough it was to fix Germany and that was with relatives

Ukraine is an independent country with a democratically elected government. Russia does not get to decide their fate with military aggression.

You think sending relief troops to Bulgaria is the same as Russia amassing nearly all their conventional forces on the border of an independent country where they’ve been sending paramilitary forces for 8 years to destabilize and have already annexed territory from. Who’s the propaganda puppet? But yeah, Ned Price,

I miss Tyler...

My Foxtrot Alpha homies will understand.