
the video-er did state that he’s been following them for 6-8 minutes, at speeds of up to 100mph. to #get_the_shot

That van driver probably doesn’t have a license (or insurance) in the first place.


I don’t know... he did still follow at 100mph to continue videoing.

He was just trying to Connect.

Thanks for pointing out again that Tesla has had more recalls than Ford.

Gotta love whataboutism.

I have to admit I’m a little amused by the folks whining about Jalopnik’s supposed anti-Tesla bias lately. Number one on Jalopnik’s enemies list has always been General Motors.

Show me where Jalopnik lied in this post. What was factually untrue here?

This is Amesbury, MA we’re talking about. Not NYC or Boston. The cops telling the guy, “Dude, we’re almost done, chill.” should have covered this entire saga. No, the dude comes back to continue to yell at the police, who were there for a legitimate reason and they asked him to chill again.

Trying to walk away after they’re already trying to arrest you isn’t good either. They may be wrong, but you argue that in the courtroom and not on the street. 

This was more than just yelling at them to move their cars. He did that first and then allegedly kept going and escalating it. If he had just yelled for them to move their cars and they arrested him it would be bogus but from the report there is more to it and not just a case of hurt police feelings.

Good old Detroit....Five of the most corrupt mayors ever...Louis Miriani, Albert Cobo, Charles Bowles, Richard Reading and lest we forget Kwame Kilpatrick.

Maybe. Maybe not. 

Hungry Airport Official Who Ate Evidence Of Bribe Now On The Run From Feds”

Ah, Ralph Nader, the guy that both helped save possibly millions of lives from U.S. automakers that really didn’t care if you died in their products, and also the guy that helped Americans understand that 3rd party runs can snatch victory away from Democrats (as Ross Perot did for Republicans in 1992).

OF COURSE the Tesla person is a Dyson person. I always knew that Venn diagram was a single annoying circle.

These are the people who built “Falcon Doors” into a family crossover. Because hey, nothing ever goes wrong, and who needs to be able to use roof racks once in a while, right? So instead, they spent a lot of money on those cool-looking doors, and then bragged about how they open even in tight parking spots, and look,

Number of times the doors on the half-century old Charger have failed to open (even after being subjected to sleet): zero.

Considering how Starlink satellites are ruining Earth-based astronomy: