
We are a big and happy club. you stop licking their boots one post and then bam.

Yep. I got put in the grays for asking Bradley exactly where all the extra electricity is supposed to come from and how much pollution is avoided when 60% of our power in the US is generated by fossil fuels. Also, Bradley Brownell is an intellectally weak little whimp. 

Two things can be believed at once:

“Hard hit marine sector”

What are you even on about? Every boat builder and marina is going absolutely nuts right now, they’ve never had more work or money ever before.

I gave up this site after years because the writing has gone so far downhill. Check it out again for the first time in weeks, and I’m treated to an article so meanspirited, so devoid of actual information on shipbuilding or yachts, and just dogging a guy with the laziest of personal attacks, that you got me

As a middle-aged dude with a full head of hair that still looks like it did 20 years ago, I still think it’s a huge dick move to make fun of anyone for losing their hair.

Dude, you have some issues with jealousy.

Being bald/balding is nothing to be ashamed of regardless of gender or status. Don’t be a dick, Andy.

Nice shaming of bald men.  DO BETTER. 

Watch out - this kind of comment gets you all sorts of shit on, in a Bezos thread.*

You know how everyone is doing NFTs? We thought we'd go one step further. NFTs of your NFTs. So now you can prove that you actually own your NFTs!

Me buying GTAV

The microtransactions are gonna blow your mind.

I assume this mean that 6 will run at least 18 years after launch, in contrast to 5's mere 9 years (so far).

“It is impossible to test all hardware configs in all conditions with internal QA, hence public beta.”

Hang on, I need to go google how to make limpet mines.

Shadow vessel? Call this what it is - the man is creating his own fleet.

This is the type of topic we need Fancy Kristen for.

no we all dont. i ride a motorcycle i stopped rolling through stop signs years ago. its not worth it.

I’ll never understand this. Yes, we all do rolling stops. But no rational mind would program a consumer product to intentionally break the law.