
Here’s an even better example of a good-looking, shark-nose BMW.

Am I the only person intensely suspicious of a dealership selling a non-running car? They literally have an entire mechanic shop built in.

How can it not be better, especially in this market, to pay the cost to repair this before selling it?

The problem with this one is that you can get running ones in the 60s.  Will this be repairable for under 10k?  Good chance it wont be.  It looks in generally good shape so if you know Ferraris this may be a good buy but for a person looking for their first one I would steer clear.


That sounds like blaming the victim to me... We should immediately limit all train speeds to 15 MPH #15isenough #visionzero #pleasepleaserecognizesarcasm

It is time to send for Charles Darwin and his Chainsaw of Natural Selection.

3. I’m not exactly sure what Mr. King is proposing here. It is to just build bridges or tunnels at every crossing? That would be impossible unless you are in a video game sim, particularly in swampy-ass Florida. You want better train service, yet are against it interacting with roads. That’s not how service in

As the resident ( I think only) actual honest-to-goodness Train Conductor on the Jalop message board, I’ll comment on a few things here:

They have level crossings for high speed rail all across Europe and don’t have near the problems we have in ‘Murica.

If you don’t think new roads are needed, you definitely don’t get out much.

Headline: “CARBON BOMB”

Keyed ignition is like the worst thing ever to be nostalgic over and I absolutely cannot understand why anyone would prefer it over keyless.

I’m as luddite as they come with cars, but I want every car to have keyless entry and start.

I use to be against push-button start, I thought it was a gimmick. Though it kind of is if you don’t have passive entry.

In a 172 you also have to slide the seat back all the way to get out of the door, you would have a hard time falling out.

If you’ve ever tried to get into and out of one of these things you’ll know its not going to happen by accident.

brings new meaning to jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. 

I believe the correct term should be collision.