
I live in the south. I’ve heard more than one story about doing this same exact thing with an off duty LDWF (Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries) officer.

I’ve lived in the South. The stories of cops there are different. Two examples:

My late grandfather used to call this “spotlighting”.

Oohwee, Beaudruex be in some shit now.

Weird. Normally in the midwest we hunt with a moving vehicle, not from one.

I honestly don’t give a shit about Dr. Dre, anymore. Not after the BS with the “will he/won’t he” around Detox which he never actually released after teasing it for like 10 years...

You’re sort of both right.

Most sources say real trees are better for the environment than fake ones. 

As a reasonable vegetarian, I agree with you 100%.

A buddy of mine just picked up a Model Y and that’s struck me the most. The cabin is so empty, and what is there feels cheap.

Not if, when.

That is true but this has been a Tesla gripe forever. And I got it 6-7 years ago When they were still trying to get down mass production processes and such. But come on. they have now sold 2 million cars. this shouldnt be a thing. and it shouldnt be a thing for any car manufacturer who is selling a $60K+ car

It’s frustrating that they haven’t figured this out yet. Build quality issues have been a recurring meme for Teslas for how many years now? and they’ve shown absolutely no effort to improve. I guess if you lease your cars and replace them every 2 years it’s not that big a deal but for folks that keep their cars for 10

A couple of reasons that come to mind:

Based on the car you describe, I think we let the harsh judgement of natural selection take its course.

Lucid shares plunging....

You’d be surprised how little extra drag this sort of thing causes. I can bet there is waaay less difference dragging a car vs. the difference between a loaded and an empty trailer. Or even partially loaded vs. max’d out. Similar but not the same - in college I worked for an armored car/courier service that had both

Once knew a bachelor who owned a Porsche...and a Pinto, for dates, for just that reason.

Gotta get dem clicks...

I disagree with this move as much as I disagreed with it when W. and Trump did it. When Obama did it, it made sense and was strategic deployment of supply to ease the burden on a depressed populace. This time, it’s just a failing administration grasping at straws to increase its approval rating. Prices aren’t as bad