
While I normally like to stay close to topic, here is a hot tip:

So they have an HR department? It’s a stupid name for it, but not quite sure what you are trying to say here. 

While I’m sure they will appeal this verdict, I can’t imagine that corporate Tesla is racist in nature. They want your money, all your money, regardless of race, religion, or creed. The only color that matters is green.

Lots of people want to compare the MX-30 to other vehicles in its price range.

The XJ and XJ-C could be had with the V12, and the Daimler Double Six as well. So you’re gonna need a few more fingers.

I know I’m in the minority, but the whole C-pillar/flying buttress treatment on these never looked quite right to me. Still, I understand these are much loved. With all the standard caveats, know what you’re getting into, etc., I’ll say NP.

I’m totally gonna be that guy....

I’ve had my ID4 for a good 4 months now and can attest that when the vehicle is starting up, the screen is sometimes a bit slow to catch up. However with the last few OTA updates this has improved significantly. 

The unit in my tester never required reboots, but did require multiple tries to get a phone to pair. You never quite get past the lag, it’s like playing Call of Duty when you have awful ping.

I have yet to read a review of this (or any of the VW E vehicles) that doesn’t mention the screen controlling everything being a complete pain to use. This is the first review I have read where the reviewer doesn’t note having to turn it off and back on again to get it to work.

I have always said the Mach E will never be a Moostang.

The Escalade is more high profile than the C8 IMO, at least with the average Joe. This is not a good look for GM. Imagine if Mercedes pulled self driving features from the S class.

1st: Stupid is as stupid does. Elon is in many respects a genius, but his reliance on endless hype will catch up to him - if it isn’t already. NHSTA is 100% correct on this one. Calling something “Full Self Driving” when it clearly isn’t is asking for disaster.

OR maybe we could get the Federal Trade Commission to start doing their job and crack down on companies who use words wrongly.  Like Full Self Driving for a product that doesn’t fully self drive.  Or the use of the word ‘Unlimited’ when there are in fact limits.

The more they try to do with it, the worse it is.

oh sweet baby jesus.  the interior is worse than the exterior.

100% agree. Car’s infotainment system should just be:
* AM/FM/Satellite radio
* Apple Car Play
* Android auto.
* OFF. <- Looking at you Mazda, let me turn the damn thing OFF. 

no need for navigation, or built in apps, etc

Also screens are getting too big and most have no way to dim them all the way down at night.

This system debuted on the Lexus NX, and is Toyota’s bid to outdo Apple and Google inside your car. The carmaker invested a lot of time and money into supplanting the PC in your pocket while you’re driving

I wonder when car manufacturers will learn that this is folly and pointless? My cars are old and archaic so i just use my phone but my friends with new BMWs and Tesla’s and so on also just use their phones.