
Finns are more into self-abuse than Canadians, so keep that in mind.

because Cycling and Walking is so awesome in Canada all the time, right?

Cop cars have huge power draws - they’re often discouraged from turning off all the hardware, even on their lunch breaks.

Of course, your average automotive hybrid system has enough battery to make the problem moot.

Some K9 units have to run the AC to keep the dig safe.

It’s not an issue of the fuel cost - Unleaded fuels are comparable in price now. It’s an issue of performance - and that envelope is more than just the octane rating. There are stability and vaporization concerns as well. We are moving in the right direction PAFI and FAA certification of a 100LL replacement.

It’s still in GAA because:
-much more of a problem to burn a valve in an old engine when it means finding a spot to glide to from 9,000 feet in the air, versus calling AAA from the shoulder
-No aircraft has a catalytic converter to poison, and I suspect only the newest have exhaust oxygen sensors if at all
- Aircraft

Lmao, you have no idea what you are talking about if you think “Leaded gas is cheap”. It’s been between 5.00 and 7.50 per gallon this year. UL94 is typically on par with 100LL if not a little cheaper, unleaded 90 octane mogas is about 1.50 cheaper, and G100 is expected to be about 0.60 more expensive - which is a wash

Because the levels are absolutely miniscule - to the point of posing no health risk or harm. Your lack of comprehension for the scale of the industry or safe exposure limits is not a reason to slam the door on an entire industry.

Although I am a member of AOPA they don’t really represent majority of GA pilots like the ones I have known and flown with for the past 38 years. they don’t publish much that applies to us. I was reacting to the knee jerk bullshit Quade spouted out. Like we’re all wealthy weekend joy riders. Nothing could be further


The 24 grams of lead spread over 150 miles are clearly ruining the environment.

‘plane owners are among the moneyed crowd”
Complete and utter bullshit. We’ve had to fight that idiotic myth since the 1903s.
Visit a local public GA airport, talk to pilots and owners then get back to us.
Once last point, where the hell do you think newly minted commercial pilots moving the airlines come from?
If you say

But the way the FAA handles modification of existing aircraft, it would be decades for change to happen

As noted on other articles, race gas has been left off the list of continuing leaded gas users. Every local circle track and drag strip around here will happily sell you varieties of Sunoco leaded for cars needing octane > 105. 

Never been a Corvette fan... go ahead and hate me... Now... a World Class Sportscar, at a bargain price. And iffa you have a problem, that can happen with any car, and you’re in the middle of nowhere, a dealer ain’t far away and will take care of it... and you. 

Eh, you’re probably fine. In the past there really hasn’t been a correlation between relaxed carry standards and spikes in shootings. The type of folks who are likely to shoot someone aren’t really bothered by carrying a firearm illegally I’d imagine.

I am not watching anything called “Schmigadoon!” I won’t do it.

As if the war on drugs was ever a righteous endeavor. 

While I’m sure that the most sensational responses will get the most stars, I believe our lack of driver training and education has been the primary driver (pun!) of vehicular fatalities. It’s very difficult to have a calm, objective discussion on anything these days, but I do think this needs attention. My children

Did you really just list virtually every Apple+ show except Mythic Quest?