
I still don’t know how this isn’t universally interpreted as an infringement on the 4th amendment. It’s exactly what it was written for, to protect against this kind of thing.

I would not be the first Morgan three wheeler to have an enclosed engine,

It’s rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive!

I like the look, but I don’t love the rear end they put on it.

I think it looks great, but man I distrust this no-door-handle-for-you design trend. Aero and aesthetics are great and all, but way too many cars have problems with exterior door handles for this to be foolproof.

Except in aviation. 100 Low lead is still going strong, and it’s going to be a very tough nut to crack.

came here for this

Still used in automotive applications too. For a reason someone with a chemistry degree can probably explain, nobody appears capable of making an additive to get unleaded gas above 105 octane.

You may want to specify this is the end of leaded gas for on-road use. Race gas suppliers and other specialty vendors will still sell you as much leaded gas as you want.

Still used in aviation. As of 2020, from FAA: Fact Sheet – Leaded Aviation Fuel and the Environment : https://www.faa.gov/news/fact_sheets/news_story.cfm?newsId=14754 :

Mostly true, but AVGAS 100LL contains tetraethyl lead and is still used by general aviation in the US and Canada.

Holy shit these ads are getting insane. How the hell do I even close these without refreshing the page.

It has been known for years that Tesla Motors’ “autopilot” cannot see stationary objects at interstate speeds. This is going to keep happening because it’s is inherent to the system and it is a system that lulls people into not paying attention by its very nature. Yeah I know what the owner’s manual says. If this were

...we’re supposed to be surprised that a career union apparatchik (of the UAW no less) doesn’t want reform? I mean, I know that the editorial line around here is as pro-labor as it gets, but come on. 

To help with the stress of traffic tickets I learned to obey speed limits and traffic controls and I bought a dash cam to protect myself against false charges. I hate state sanctioned shakedowns.  

I mean, would having a general election for leadership actually change anything? Does anyone remotely trust ANY executive level leadership in the UAW to be acting in good faith? An election for a job where everyone lining up for it is full of shit  is not going to change anything, no matter how many people get to

If only the UAW could figure out how to find that inherent goodness in its heart, we could all live in happy harmony.

Now playing

“Meet the new boss....same as the old boss..”

Around Austin TX, I see lots of full-size pickups that have been lowered to (approximately) car ride height, with ground-effect skirts. These are especially funny when they’re duallies. I think these are driven by guys whose particular machismo variant prevents them from driving a car, but they really want to be

Two things:

1. It seems Toyota is diluting the GR brand right out the gate. This is kinda....yikes.
2. I think this “track-inspired truck/SUV” trend really needs to die.