
So the rank and file got basically nothing for union membership. In essence, they just handed money over to their union bosses with FCA as a conduit. 

When haven't unions been corrupt? 

FCA and the union leadership conspired to provide less pay and benefits to the rank-and-file in exchange for kickbacks to the union leadership.

This is 100% true.

Are unions good?

My arthritic hip and knee disagrees.

Mrs. addiction’s Telluride is a fantastic family/trip/dog vehicle.

Anything I’m commuting in.

The fact that you thought this thought, then went the extra step to post this on Jalopnik (a huge political community) would tell me that you’re the nutter you are complaining about. 

The lower powered vehicle has no real efficiency benefit. It’s the bad streamline of an open bed and the weight that ruin the efficiency.
But apart from that, the usa indeed has a big problem with engine power, yeah. In lighter, more streamlined cars, smaller engines are more beneficial.
No Camry or other appliance

It is really quite simple: people like two doors but dont buy them, and people like the handling a low center of gravity gives you but dont buy it. Customers are the worst people on the planet, no matter the industry. 

Bruh. I feel like we’re from the same area. Everything you say makes perfect sense.

Most people interested in something like this are hauling bicycles, lawn furniture, or a few bags of mulch and the like, not sheets of plywood or two tons of bricks. After all delivery isn’t expensive and it costs like twenty bucks to rent the pickup truck from Menards if you really want to haul stuff home yourself.

Because with a volume knob you can turn the volume down to 0 immediately when need.

Crew cabs sell in higher numbers than the others. They are just going after the biggest pool of buyers to maximize sales.

I live in the city, but need to haul a bike or two up to the mountains, and occasionally make a run to Ikea or whatever. I don’t need (or have room for) a “real” truck, and I don’t need anything seriously off-roady, but some competence on dirt roads and snow would be nice. I feel like the Santa Cruz is targeted

Did you skip the Facebook comments? Because it’s usually the first comment.

Yes! I come to Jalopnik for in depth political commentary. You should see the nutters get political on my wife’s favorite sewing site. Really enhances the discourse!

The chip shortage strikes again!

IF you really can’t get your head around the ban, than you really don’t understand the legal reality of having your name even remotely attached to an event and all the “well, he/she knew the risks.... he/she signed a waiver...but they died doing what he loved” anecdotes mean nothing.   Negligence isn’t hard to prove