
Well, it's aimed at the Golf market and that's about their best seller so yes, it's really important.

From what I recall, I don’t think they’re bringing the ID3 to the U.S. because they already know there isn’t much demand for it. Instead, they’re planning to bring the ID4 which is basically an EV Tiguan but on the new MEB platform. Should do OK, I would think.

Better to make it right than tragically flawed. Folks still remember their late 1990's and early 2000's VW products with slipshod electronics. With launching a BEV, they'd better get it right the first time, or they are toast.

Time for a sweet Hertz Versa.

He did complain that it’s overpriced, so at least he knows he’s getting shafted. :-)

Unfortunately, the rumors indicate any hopes for a properly massive wing aren’t likely to come true...”

Someone please point me to the group of people that was rooting for this styling cue on any C8 (Fast & Furious franchise producers don’t count). It’s my understanding that the majority consensus on C8 appearance favo

Hopefully the Camaro rear end will be replaced as well.

literally no one is shopping for an NSX.

Do tell me, how many Corvettes with DCTs have broken so far and how much were the new transmissions?

What I gather from the linked article is that he’d previously been the mastermind of this secret plan for world domination, but this time decided to emerge from his volcano lair and do the deed personally.

You are aware that pot can be grown indoors, right?

This is the guy Tom McParland writes all those articles about.

Holy hell... $1145/month... for a lease... with $3,000 down upfront...

My math comes to $44,220 out of his pocked, for a car that has an MSRP (from google) starting at $56,190. Although on KBB I optioned the crap out of it and got it up to $76,000.

lol, seriously. Thats a few hundred more than my mortgage. Wow. 

$1100 a month?  What did you buy, the dealership?? And that’s on a lease with money down? Did you have 30k in negative equity on your trade.  I have so many questions 

it’s over $1200 if you factor in his down payment. YIKES

also OP, please go to leasehackr to learn how to lease

Sure, if having a “self-taught BASIC programmer” ( with NOTHING on his resume that supports the idea that he knows anything about manufacturing) is likely to help.

He genuinely thinks he's the smartest person on the planet. It's one of the defining traits of a narcissist. He thinks that he is the one to fix any problems.