
Ah, you’re right. I should have said “shit person.” It wasn’t necessarily a cop. Why are you incapable of just admitting they did a shitty thing? You continually defend them and their actions.

It’s the same logic that leads to cops stealing your money because it might have been involved in narcotics trafficking. “If we think anything illegal has or possibly in some nebulous future could be committed with the object, the object is ours to do with as we please.”

Sure buddy, I bet there’s tons of tagless, VIN-less cars filled with molotov cocktails just sitting in parking lots. The cops had no choice but to slash tires en masse.

So it’s okay to be complete pieces of shit to media members because your boss told you to it? What a crock of shit.

Following direct orders doesn’t remove the fact that they are individuals with (assumingly) fully functional brains, capable of making decisions for themselves and determining right from wrong. Going around and slashing car tires because one shit cop told the rest of the shit cops to do it is an inexcusable defense.

While were at it, do any of the multitude of pro-union Gizmodo writers want to go after the police unions please. This shit is happening because police unions wield a fuck ton of power. Defend the police? Hah. In California, you awould just be doing them a favor. You will be paying police officers their full salaries

Sure, and that’s why they targeted media vehicles specifically.

Best summed up as “When you have 10 bad cops and 1,000 good cops choose to look the other way, you have 1,010 bad cops.”

You only hear it over beers in a quiet place. The cops I know who get disgusted by the behaviour of their department leave to work at colleges, transition to consulting, or get their JD and work for the “other team”.

If police can destroy private property because it could be used as a weapon, then they can destroy pretty much anything they want. Th argument is absurd on its face. Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.

Any police here want to push the limitations of the Blue Wall of Silence on this matter? My law enforcement friends (for the time being anyway) have been relatively silent regarding any criticism of fellow law enforcement. Some of them say how horrid the George Floyd murder was, but as far as the tactics following

Right now a KIA exec is high fiving around the office.

Fixed the Headline for you.

Speaking of vans, I needed to rent a truck last week to go pick up a freezer from a couple hours away (apparently they’re a hot commodity right now). Put in a reservation for an F-150, went to go pick it up, and they said that it had to go into the shop last minute for something, I dunno. But they could get me a cargo

It’s called “word salad”.

“My work is utterly incomprehensible, and therefore full of deep significance.” - Calvin and Hobbes

Hey BMW,

I think the designers stuffed that much coke into their own nostrils.

This is the face he kept seeing:

You can pretty much stuff that much coke in the new BMWs 4 series nostrils.