
You were doing great until 7. Your personal dislike of lacrosse players is not relevant to what happened to these players. I happen to know a ton of collegiate lacrosse players who are wonderful young men who give back to the community on high levels. The "lacrosse is a private school east coast game" has been over

The players who were accused themselves said the exact same thing in a press conference after they were declared innocent.. Those players now run an innocent project to help fund and overturn convictions using DNA evidence. They ( the 3 players) helps to get a man freed who was wrongly convicted of murder by the

Media has learned nothing from this case. The UVA rape accusations that shut down a fraternity, The 3 girls on an Albany bus who claimed they were attacked and it ended up they were the attackers, over and over again the media salivates whenever anything happens on a campus and they think they can pin it on student