
One of the things that concerned me specifically with Fiskar is the fact that a sizable loan was initially granted to a company that was trying to produce a high end luxury performance car. A car that the overwhelming majority of Americans would have never been able to afford. A brand new a Karma was what, just shy

I don't actually advocate a huge police presence on the roads. In some instances, would it be nice to have a bit more enforcement, as in this example? Maybe. My pet peeve is simply that nobody takes driving seriously. A lot of the policy that gets created in regards to roads is a direct reflection on the fact that

We've had a law close to this in Colorado for some time now. On roads where the speed limit is 65 or above, "left lane bandits" can be ticketed for improper use of the lane. Sadly my fiancee fits in this group. While the law exists, there's simply not enough enforcement officers on the roads here to make a

I've seen only one of these on the road. While I can't attest to it's swiftness, it certainly stood out among the other cars making their commute.