
Prediction: dot com bust 2.0 happens before private ownership of cars disappears.

Look let’s be clear here. They did not steal people from Africa as slaves were readily sold and available across the globe and at that time mainly in Africa. I am black and there is no need to make it look like only white folks are bad in this trade: there were plenty of warlords in Africa selling slaves for guns and

Get your point tangentially but what you (and many others) seem to miss is that the actual percentage of Native Americans who get offended by stuff like this is very small. 90% of those polled had no problem with the name Washington Redskins (a higher percentage than whites btw) so I’m gonna go out on a limb here and

Because it is OK, and should be, because it doesn’t change history. If 1%of people are offended by this, that 1% should shoot themselves for being miserable insufferable pricks

I love how hamilton’s idea of a perfect world (dense shit hole apartments with no space) should be everyone’s idea. God forbid you want to work in the city AND have a yard. Please tell us about how refridgerators are terrible (because you can’t fit one in your shit box in NY)

Right, its the fault of the police that his parents are gigantic pieces of shit.

This is, hands down, one of the whiniest, most petulant, “FUCK THE POLICE SKATEBOARDING IS NOT A CRIME” posts I have ever seen around here, in the Gawker B.C. OR Gawker A.D. eras.

Yeah, a lot of cops can suck. But then they’re dealing with people like this:

Why is this heartbreaking? She didn't inform her employer of her new situation, because it was embarrassing, and instead crapped in garbage cans without telling anyone, which is beyond disgusting. Seriously, its her problem for not explaining the situation to someone who could have given her an office in a bathroom.