
Well, could've been speaking loosely about a 38 or 39 year old Jaime, certainly. But that does put Cersei's age as pretty close to Headey's.

I think Cersei is at least several years younger than Lena Headey. Book Cersei is meant to be in her late 20s, I think. Obviously TV Cersei is older than that, but probably not as old as Headey's 43.

More broadly, I don't think any of the great houses can really be described as enthusiastic allies of the Targaryens. If anything it's the lesser houses (outside the North) who tend to provide the strongest support for the Iron Throne. Which makes sense - the lesser lords view the crown as a counterweight to the

True - it's a stretch with some of them. But I think Jon, Jorah, Beric, and Sandor are all pretty legitimately "back from the dead"

Dorne was not an enthusiastic ally, either. Aerys was basically using Elia and her children as hostages to ensure continued Dornish support (and I believe he disinherited Aegon and Rhaenys in favor of Viserys after the Trident). Doran held back his main strength and only sent a small force to the trident with his

The Tyrells were also allies of the Iron Throne! (Plus many of the subordinate lords in the Vale, Riverlands, and Stormlands remained loyal to the Iron Throne against their own lords). Also, at that point I'm not sure Doran's position on the civil war was any different from Tywin's studied neutrality. Dorne didn't

One thing that strikes me is that basically all of our "Dirty Dozen" expedition (Tormund is the only full exception) are people who are literally or metaphorically back from the dead. Jon and Beric have literally been resurrected. Jorah was cured of a fatal and horrible disease. The Hound was left for dead. Gendry and

What's the basis for saying betrothals only occur when one or the other of the couple is not of age. There's obviously all kinds of reasons that an engaged couple may not have married yet beyond age. We also know that minors are married off (and not just betrothed) - there's Tyrek Lannister's marriage to Baby

If you go by the genealogy in the books, next in line for Highgarden after Mace's children would be his sister Mina, who, indeed, married Olenna's nephew Paxter Redwyne. Their sons are the twins Hobber and Horas. Of course, for all we know they don't exist in the show universe, or Paxter, Mina and their sons were all

Sansa criticizing Jon in front of everyone was Bad Writing more than Bad Sansa, in my opinion, but that's fair. I don't think Arya really has the right to criticize Sansa's actions, though, because Arya has no idea of anything to do with the politics of the North.

Cersei is queen because there's basically no one else. The entire ostensible bloodline of Steffon Baratheon is extinct when Tommen goes out that window. Hell, besides Dany, at the beginning of this season the only still living TV characters we'd seen with recognized Targaryen descent are the Sandsnakes, who are

No, that's not how it works. If Prince Charles died today, William would still be the heir, not his uncle Prince Andrew, even though Andrew is the queen's son and William only her grandson.

Sam's the elder son. He was forced into the Night's Watch so that he'd be disinherited and Dickon could succeed his father.

The actress who plays Talla Tarly graduated high school in 2011, which makes her, what, 24? What makes you think Talla's not reached her majority?

Let's be honest: the only one behaving immaturely here is Arya, who's acting like a brat. Sansa is just about the only Stark who's made any attempt to reach out and connect with her siblings, and she's constantly getting her hand slapped back. While Arya's playing spy and being snippy about Sansa sleeping in their

Martells may or may not be extinct. We don't really know what the situation is in Dorne - there may be some collateral Martells to take over now that Ellaria is imprisoned. The Tyrells have been specifically referred to as now extinct - Loras was described as the only heir. (Which is obviously a huge change from the

Every lord in the Seven Kingdoms would have been outraged and terrified by what happened to Rickard Stark. It was a basic violation of the rights of all nobles. Plus, Robert didn't go to war over his bruised ego. He raised the banners when Aerys demanded that Jon Arryn send Robert and Ned to King's Landing, to

More like Force 10 from Navarone, am I right?

Arya, however, has just been fooled by it.

Who was getting killed over Robert's bruised ego? Rickard and Brandon Stark got murdered, against all law and custom. That's on Aerys, not Rhaegar, and that's what caused the war.