Right?? It is, indeed, the crappiest season.
Right?? It is, indeed, the crappiest season.
You do realize she left office in 2013. Yeah, probably not. You’ve got to walk away from Fox News. It’s making you not bright.
No. I’ve just read the policies.
Completely not correct.
The only thing that is shady is how often fake scandals have been used to discredit people. I guarantee this “scandal” will be forgotten after the election is over. It depresses me that, because people make up stuff, the person who is being lied about becomes the “shady” one.
Yes. It sounds to me like she pretty much didn’t do anything wrong. Things were much more lax when she was in office. Clearly, that’s changed, and probably not just because of her, but because half of the people on the Hill were using private servers. Bush, Jr.’s adminstration, for example, never complied with any of…
Yes, I am. I think the more liberal of us forget we have variation in our group. I’m not saying he couldn’t win. What I’m saying is we should not be participating in fake scandals attempting to tear down one of our most viable candidates. It’s something conservatives do. I feel like some of us have been suckered into…
But, here’s the point. What might be “classified” for there might not be classified for here. Basically, AGAIN, this is about nothing. Once upon a time, for correspondence, INCLUDING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, most of which has been classified after the fact, it was fine to put it on a private server. Then, after she…
::eyeroll:: Sure. Okay. I have a feeling this will go the way of the bathroom closet claim. Oh! haha! It’s about BENGHAZI, not the servers. ::helplessly laughing:: Fake scandals abound!!
Since we have little confirmation of classified emails beyond that which was classified AFTER the fact, as opposed to before, still, NOTHING WRONG WAS DONE. Are you seriously suggesting email classified AFTER it was sent is illegal? It’s not. But, it is likely the reason the POLICY (not a law, by the way), the…
I say it because literally nothing illegal has occurred and it’s a non-issue. And while she’s not entitled to anything (thanks for moving the goal posts of the argument to a place you can make a stand, but which has nothing to do with my statement!), she’s a very visible, viable candidate for the liberals who are more…
Exactly. She hasn’t lied about or done one inappropriate thing in regard to these emails. It’s completely made-up. And I have no idea who I’m voting for yet.
I don’t think this is the GOP at all. Not really. This is a bunch of liberals who are idiotic enough to think that muckraking Clinton along with the GOP will get Bernie elected. It’s not in anyone’s best interest to use a fake scandal to do that.
Well, it’s because nothing illegal was done. That’s why. Nobody really cared enough about it.
Here is the Clinton scandal in one fell swoop.
So, basically, even if the scandal isn’t real, and it’s not, you know, you won’t vote on the issues but on how tiring the whole thing is?
I give up. You guys are going to muckrake the living shit out of this, despite the fact that there isn’t much to it, and that it might do real harm. I mean, are we really wanting a super-super conservative Supreme Court? More loss of our rights? The media will have to take their share of the blame for that, if it…
Hell, yes, put her on trial.
They fine you for killing people? Like, how much?
oops. My ‘e’ key is coming loose, isn’t it? equivocate