Oh, yeah. Dooce’s kids are going to be a mess.
Oh, yeah. Dooce’s kids are going to be a mess.
I read GOMI daily. There have been a couple of nutcases who posted bloggers’ addresses there and stuff - though, you know, it is always caused by bloggers who themselves play fast and loose with their personal information, like Katie Bower from Bower Power, who posts pics with her street name and mailbox... so not…
Sonogram/ultrasound pics, especially if it’s one of those ultra-creepy 3D ultrasounds
While we’re at it, we should also ban the following:
We don’t know what is in a person’s deepest heart, so in this case, we’ll go by her words and her contention. She is making the argument that living a chaste lifestyle is “living the feminist dream.” The alternative to living a chaste lifestyle is to burn in hell in eternal damnation, which is not a choice that any…
Nah. When you call your chastity “a virtue” and “sexual integrity”, that implies that people who engage in sex are not virtuous or do not have integrity, whatever the hell that means. I don’t think that anyone would have a problem with this if it were simply a personal explanation rather than a condemnation from…
My feeling is that if you write an article for the general public to read you are creating a dialogue that contributes to the larger dialogue we are all having with each other through our culture. I think writing a piece that sets up a false dichotomy of virtuous sex choices vs non virtuous sex choices and then…
I am also perplexed by the idea that as a single women who has had sex outside of marriage I am thinking about “waking up next to a stranger, contracting a sexually transmitted infection or missing a period” 24/7. Is this really what religious/conservative people think single women’s lives are? I feel like there is…
So, it has been over a decade since my wild single days, but I don’t actually recall spending many days, or even minutes worrying about STIs and pregnancy. In comparison, having married and having had two kids, the actually pregnancy and raising of kids is a huge time commitment though. And can’t you simultaneously go…
...I don’t think that the latter gets to dictate to the former how to be Catholic because religion is a deeply personal thing.
I mean, if you don’t like sex, of course life would be happier and more free without sex. Just like my life is happier and more free without bungee jumping.
Although there are many possible causes for this shift, it’s quite reasonable to believe that this generation doesn’t want the stresses that sex outside of marriage brings — unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, to name a few.
I totally agree. I was reading through that thinking, I don’t stress about these things because I’m generally responsible about my sexual health. I use condoms, I’m on birth control, and I get an STD screening every year just in case. Having sex, for me, has never come with the worry that I would get pregnant or…
She is living the life that feminists throughout history have fought for, because feminism should mean that a woman can live her life on her own terms. She’s living the feminist dream, of choosing when to marry, and when to have sex, even if that means never.
Seems to me that dutifully following a religion such as Catholicism, which places strict limits on what women can/cannot do, isn’t feminism at all.
Well shit. If the only options are chastity or 12 kids I would choose chastity too. And my feminist dream was lots of premarital sex!
I’m going to be cynical and say that it’s likely that a big part of her realization about the nature of her love is exactly that Rayya will soon be gone.
It seems like she did lie to him and conduct an affair. By her own account, she’s done the same thing with many other people. And she wrote that account, describing the debut of her new life as a recovering seduction addict, just last year!
I’ve seen 2 or 3 commenters who criticize Gilbert for her well-documented history of cheating. Whether you agree with the criticism or not, pointing it out isn’t the MRA tantrum that you make it sound like.
Except for her ex-husband.