
Thank you! I love love love it, too. I’m on my 2nd round and already watched all of the 4th season ;) So I’m aware. I need comfort right now, and they do the trick.

I hear ya. I don’t live in a super rainy area...just fog...fog fog all the time.

So, I finished up my move without issue last Sunday. I brought my brother, man friend, and some other larger male types with me and we had a police escort to the property. My brother and man friend knew the cop that accompanied us and he ended up sticking around for a bit to “monitor things” (shoot the shit with the

Dietary changes can induce weight loss, and some can also induce muscle loss, depending on the diet. If you are doing resistance training of any kind, you will gain muscle first, which has a greater density than fat. So your weight might stabilize for a bit or even increase, but once the muscle starts burning fat,

Bugger me it’s another early one.

I’m really struck by the defence of her on here right now as having done nothing wrong by saying “we’re all women”.

I hope the ghost of Prince rises and causes him to face plant in the middle of his set and then have the entire stage collapse around him.

Timberlake somehow manages to remain distinctly puncheable even to this day. He has that annoying “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m just trying to bring joy to the world” smug face of someone who very much knows why they’re a git but won’t just own up to it.

If this had been the only time she’d demonstrated her inability to deal with transwomen I’d understand not wanting to label her a TERF but that RuPaul interview where she’s actively spouting TERF lines (the “they don’t have periods/biological sex equates to gender” stuff is very fucking common TERF chatter) and then

There are so many salty tears.

White Women, Weinstein and the Sexual Assault Narrative. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

Hubris. Admitting weakness or fault is nearly impossible for far too many people, even ones we may want to support.

Read an article that highlighted something interesting. A white woman posted on her Twitter account that Rose ignored ten different tweets, from Black women, about the offense. But after having a few white women tweet the same thing, she erased the tweet.

The non-apology that blames “smoking a j” instead of her own inability to understand what was wrong with her analogy is what really chapped my ass.

Don’t go blaming the innocent weed here Rose. If it had been one of those rambling Twitter storm things with like 30 parts that weaves in and out of coherence, then I would buy the weed excuse. You said something dumb, apologize once sincerely (sincerity is the key here), and learn a lesson.  It’s not as if people are

Sometimes I wonder if people like Rose McGowan can have it explained to them in a way that allows them to understand exactly what it is they did that was so offensive and helps them to not go down that same path again.

Referring to white women as such is not only gross hyperbole, it is fundamentally false.

Thank you for this.

Fuck. She had to go full white feminist and drag the n-word into it. Goddamn it. Why why why why do this. Why do they ALWAYS do this.