Why do we act like were praying when we observe the national anthem?
Why do we act like were praying when we observe the national anthem?
It was a piss-poor political speech from a redneck who makes duck calls, you sanctimonious redneck.
Well there it is... the problem is that word, “luxury.” Even by the absolute loosest of standards I wouldn’t attribute that word to it.
First, Ghibi’s aren’t supercars.
Ferraris of old seem to be quite able too. I guess it depends on the driver as well.
I actually aprove this. If you have fuck you money, don’t say you wouldn’t be tempted by this.
Ratty Miata? I think we can do better.
I’m not trying to be a dick about this. I’m trying to very gently say that waste is in the eye of the beholder. Consider the gas guzzling nature of the ‘70 Fastback and how it would look to most of Europe today.
Meh. There is no shortage of Maseratis or Ferraris in the world. Assuming the guys destroying the cars were the owners, I’ve got no problems with this.
This is hilarious and should be supported. As mentioned by numerous other commenters, these people are actually out using their cars as opposed to leaving them in a garage and paying someone to gently rub them with a Microfiber while whispering the lyrics to Prince’s Gett Off in its wing mirrors every month.
No one is…
I’ve always been of the opinion that the crime is underusing a car, not overusing it. If you just park it, that’s lame, but if you go beyond what it was ever intended to do that’s usually awesome, as long as you don’t put innocent people at risk by doing whatever it is you’re doing.
What a load of heroes. Sure it didn’t work, but damn is it cool that it was attempted. Get mad if you want but that you ranted about it on the internet is not going to be a story to tell your grandkids, these guys on the other hand did something memorable with their week.
They’re brand new cars that can be replaced, not priceless classics. We complain when supercars barely get driven and are used to pose in expensive shopping districts. Then we complain when a select few drive too fast or recklessly on the road. I’ll admit this isn’t the intended purpose of the car as such, but if the…
Happy to see people still reference this video. We produced it over 4 years ago! One of my favorites - up there with APEX in terms of production behind the scenes.
I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.
100% agree. Who the fuck is this guy to be trashing what they do with their vehicles? It isnt like they were street racing during rush hour. To tell you the truth I love it when people use their high end cars for unconventional things. TaxtheRich is one of my favourite Youtube channels.
If you got the cash seems like a hoot.
I feel like I had a stroke reading that.
I just got more joy from that 30 seconds than I will likely get from the entire first season of New New Top Gear.