
Trail of Tears? Seriously? We are seriously going to compare what would in all likelihood be a bunch of short bus rides to the suburbs with people forced at gunpoint to walk thousands of miles across dangerous lands with not nearly enough supplies to survive and immune systems not ready to be exposed to new foreign di

They can’t. It would be classified by the NHTSA as a “passenger car” and would be subject to Obama’s impossible CAFE mpg standards.


That, and if that exist, people will hack it and use it.
This is akin to a backdoor in an crypto-algorith. People will hack it and use it for ill means.

City pensions don’t pay themselves.

Because community service does not pad the city’s budgets.  This is what happens when fines are treated as revenue streams by government.

And while absolute free trade isn’t perfect it’s better than the alternative, since, beyond companies losing profits it’s ultimately consumers who pay more for what is merely a global game of senseless brinksmanship.

  1. Sign up for Uber

It’s possible the owner didn’t know about BMW Remote Services, or forgot he had that service. You know, just like the turn signals.

Formula for a disaster:

As a Flyers fan, I am finding this Capitals team more likable than I ever could have imagined. Ovi is having the time of his life and he deserves it. Good on him.

Life would be so much better if Twitter was never invented. Every day I click on the news and someone (multiple someones) do something incredibly stupid on it. Leader of the free world? Check. Pioneers of Industry? Check. Celebrities? Check.

Deadspin needs more Gary Larson.

This is terrible for this man and other people like him, but the problem isn’t with Uber, it’s that a medallion is $700k. This artificial economy has always been problematic. There are also issues with ride sharing, but the answer lies somewhere in the middle, not protecting this outdated system.

I mean... that all exists because people on sites like this demanded it. You forced it too far the wrong way. Deadspin writers and its commenting clan demanded punishments even without any sort of charges or prosecution. Kinda odd to now watch you bitching about that.

He’d get it up to 110mph, claim it was 250, and call any reports to the contrary traitorous fake news.

Politicians are either pro-business or pro-regulation. Trump is the former, Obama was the latter. Every time a President is elected, one side screams how the other is killing America based on their personal views. In three years when a Dem is elected, we’ll get to hear about how businesses are being decimated.

The NTSB said its team of four investigators will focus primarily on emergency response in relation to the electric vehicle fire, including fire department activities and towing operations.

You can definitely get it with a manual...

“The minute gas jumps to $4.50/gallon Ford will be in line for a bail-out just like GM and Chrysler”